SAVE THE Bali Starlings



Bali starlings were first discovered in 1910. This bird has a scientific name Leucopsar rothschildi taken from the name Walter rostchild, a British animal expert who discovered the animal This is the first time. he also became the one who announced his findings into the world of knowledge in 1912.

Bali starlings can only be found on the island of Bali, especially in the western forest area. The bird also belongs to one of Bali's unique species and in 1991 was named the symbol of fauna typical of Bali province. The existence of endemic animals It gets protection from the law.

Jalak Bali is just one of the many animals that are threatened with extinction due to rampant animal trade in Indonesia.

Although Jalak Bali is protected, its existence is still threatened. It is estimated there are only about 75-100 in the wild today.

Back Mehd Halaouate.

Mehd Halaouate Clip 3 (Male, English): "They are still trapped in the West Bali National Park and Nusa Penida. This bird is sold for about five million rupiah. The problem is, the younger generation see the price of Jalak Bali as the equivalent of iphone or ipad. "

Last year, NGO Traffic counted 1,900 birds, from 206 different species. They were sold in three bird markets in Jakarta in just three days.

And not all birds sold are legal.

In May, Scorpion NGOs found 1,500 birds and other animals sold at the Muntilan Animal Market in Magelang, Central Java, without permission.

Gea Mountain from the Scorpion Foundation says it is not difficult to find protected species, sold in wildlife markets in Indonesia.

Mount Gea Clip 1 (Male, English): "It's been a year since we started monitoring the wildlife market in Indonesia. We always find protected animals in the market. Law enforcement is also very slow against this illegal wildlife trade. "

Although there are NGOs monitoring the wildlife market, without the support of law enforcement, they can not stop illegal trade.

Last June, 25 wildlife-focused NGOs from across Indonesia formed a coalition to urge the government to more firmly halt wildlife trade and illegal sales.

They want the rules to bring wildlife tightened and more effective policies when there are reports about wildlife trade.

Mount Gea Clip 2 (Male, English): "We want the government to be more serious in dealing with wildlife crimes in Indonesia. Despite the rapid response of the forest police, they are slow to act. "

From 2006 to 2007, there were 65 Bali Starlings released in Nusa Penida, southeast of Bali.

Although initially had reached 120 tails, but within three years the number fell drastically to live only 12 tail.

Where your conscience sells bird birds that are protected, do you not care about our children and grandchildren to see the beauty of the bird

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