Miracle in cell no.7

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Miracle in cell no.7

This story is great for watching all ages. I recommend the movie Miracle In Cell no. 7 because of her very memorable story for me and for her other audiences because of her touching story. The film, which cost 3.5 billion Won is a success in Korea. Within a month of this film capture successfully capture more than 10 million viewers. Making the 8th Korean film very useful, because it managed to get 10 times the cost of production.

Korea Miracle in Cell No.7, menceritakan seorang ayah bernama Lee Yong Goo yang memiliki keterbelakangan mental. Namun dia sangat mencintai putrinya Ye Sung .suatu hari ye sung ingin membeli tas sailor moon yang hanya tersimpan satu-satunya di tempat belanja tersebut ia terlambat dan tas itu sudah dibeli oleh anak komisaris polisi.


because he really wanted the bag to be given to his son yong goo also follow the request to follow the commissioner's son who knows the location in the sale of the bag, then arrived "the commissioner's son slipped krna some iceberg and he died in place krna misunderstanding yong goo was dragged to the police station on charges of kidnapping, sexual assault and murder that ended in jail number 7 it.

karena sangat menginginkan tas tersebut untuk di berikan kpd anak nya yong goo pun mengikuti permintaan mengikuti anak komisaris yang tau letak di jual nya tas tersebut, lalu tiba" sang anak komisaris pun tergelincir krna beberapa bongkahan es dan dia pun meninggal di tempat krna sesalah pahaman yong goo pun di seret ke kantor polisi dengan tuduhan penculikan,kekerasan seksual dan pembunuhan yang berakhir didalam penjara nomor 7 itu.


that is the beginning of the tragic story and in any struggle made to prove his innocence was unsuccessful until he was sentenced to death in that place. Even South Korean boy band Exo did not hold back tears in their variety show Exo Showtime. The event that aired Thursday (19/12/2013) it reveals clearly that Exo pesonel turned out to have high emotional.

begitulah awal kisah tragis itu dan dalam perjuangan apapun yang dilakukan untuk membuktikan dia tidak bersalah tidak berhasil hingga dia dikenakan hukuman mati di tempat itu Bahkan Para personeel boy band Korea Selatan Exo tak kuasa menahan tetes air mata di program variety show mereka Exo Showtime. Acara yang ditayangkan Kamis (19/12/2013) itu mengungkap gamblang bahwa pesonel Exo ternyata memiliki emosional tinggi.


sekian dan terima kasih,begitulah sekilas cerita dari flim tersebut semoga anda penasaran dan terhibur.

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