Cepot Characteristic

![image]( [Soorce](https://www.google.co.id/search?q=cepot&client=ms-android-xiaomi&prmd=vin&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwill47b-97YAhUFZKwKHXEPDWwQ_AUIEigC#imgrc=zLZ0stl4D8xvsM%3A)

Cepot is a serious but casual manifestation of the masses in life. In every wayang golek performances everywhere, he is a person who always comes up with a distinctive character.

The personality is like a cleric who straightens, but always tinged with jokes of humor. either resolve conflict or create conflict. This means that the phenomenon of inconvenience is a person who always upholds the truth and justice. In performances of puppetry, flush is a stimulus to change the atmosphere of boredom and boring to laugh for the audience.

This is then continued to be preserved and guarded as well as confirmed puppet show with the figures as a mascot mascot as a tool and media propaganda new and unique.

Cepot is a reflection of action against the moral crisis that is sweeping this nation. Cepot appeared and kicked off the pattern of preaching with a new formula played by a dalang with more communicative. His style and his manner made him laugh, and his speech was easy to digest.

Regardless of the state of the wayang can or can not be used as a medium of da'wah, at least more wise and prudent judging the cepot figure can be used as a kyai that builds Indonesian pilgrims amidst the current crisis of morality and civilization.

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