
Sehabis kumpul bareng teman-teman di kebun raya bogor saya sampai lupa waktu tanpa saya sadari sudah jam 18.00 WIB dan saya pun bergegas pulang di perjalanan di sekitaran kebunraya saya tersesat dan saya pun menyempatkan berfoto foto sampai akhirnya gelapun datang dan kabutpun turun hujan rintik-rintik tanpa pikir panjang saya langsung berlari bersama kawan-kawan sambil berdoa jangan sampai gerbang di tutup dan saya tidak bisa pulang beberapa ratus meter kemudian saya melihat cahaya dan sayapun bersyukur gerbang blum di tutup dan saya bisa pulang kerumah tanpa harus menginap di hutan tengah kota bogor.....
Dan sedikit tips untu kawan-kawan
Kalau masuk kebun raya bogor jangan sampai kalian pulang lebih dari jam 5 apa lagi kalian memarkirkan kendaraan di pintu utama.....


After hanging out with my friends in bogor gardens I forgot the time without my realizing it was at 18:00 pm and I rushed home on the trip around the botanical garden I was lost and I took photograph photos until finally the gelapun came and kabutpun spatter rain without thinking I immediately ran with my friends while praying do not get the gate on the lid and I can not go home a few hundred meters then I see the light and sayapun grateful blum gate on the lid and I can go home without having to stay in the middle forest of Bogor city. ....
And a little tips for friends
If you enter the bogor gardens do not let you go home more than 5 hours what else you park the vehicle at the main door .....


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