The Indonesian Language Department Holds Reunions and Performing Arts

Matangglumpangdua - Saturday (03/02) The Indonesian Language Students Association (HIMBASID) held a reunion and performing arts event at the eastern campus of Almuslim University (Umuslim).

Carrying the theme of "Let's Develop Kids Nation Creativity Through Culture, Literature and Language". "This event aims to make the generation of the nation more loving culture, literature and not forget the language", said Srian Nanda as the Committee.

The event was opened by Siti Khaulah, M.Pd as Vice Dean III, performing arts competition to compete three types of contest namely poetry creation, reading poetry and drama of high school level in Bireuen District.

Indonesian Language Dept. also handed symbolic assistance to Library of Mbiandoga Cerdas Intan Jaya-Papua District received directly by Muhammad Zaki as the chair of Library Mbiandoga Cerdas.

The reunion aims for friendship among peers and also sharing with alumni for the reacreditation of Indonesian Language Dept. and curriculum socialization among fellow and also sharing with alumni for the reacreditation of Indonesian Language Dept and socialization of the curriculum. "The curriculum is socialized aimed at the curriculum that we develop, especially in Indonesian Language Dept Almuslim University will be in accordance with the needs of the field, be it junior high school or high school" said Nurmina, M.Pd as Chairman Dept when interviewed separately.

Nurmina, M.Pd also expects the participation of alumni to the development of Indonesian Language Prodi. Given the name of the study program has changed from the Dept Education Language, Indonesian Literature and Local to Dept Indonesian Language. He also said when a course of study changes its name, the curriculum automatically will also change slightly.

"Their presence (alumni) in this socialization later, will be able to share the knowledge that has been obtained in the study program with the needs in the field whether there is relevance or not. If for example less we will add new courses or knowledge so that they can make them better prepared in the field ", she added.


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