Eid Mubarak is Coming, Let's Prepare the Pastry

Seupet is one of Aceh traditional pastry, commonly served in cultural events, including Eid Mubarak. Every time before Eid, demand for seupet is increasing.


Dat, a ten years pastry baker, said that she always get a lot orders for Seupet, most people will start order in five days before Eid. Therefore, Dat has been already begun baking the pastry (seupet) since the middle of ramadhan to fulfill the orders.

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This pastry (seupet) is made of wheat flour, coconut milk (santan in bahasa), sugar, butter, and mocca. It’s looked easy to cook this pastry.

After heating the mold, then the dough is ready to be filled into the mold. After that, mold should be heated or burned on the fire. Next, just wait until the dough cooked well and brownish.

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The making process of seupet should be fast, because the cooked dough should be form immeditialy in warm condition.

Seems easy but need years experience to make seupet pretty well. So no wonder if Dat can produce four to five kilograms pastry (seupet) in a day. She sells eighty thousand rupiah for one kilograms seupet.

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So, have you prepare your pastry for Eid? If i were you, Seupet would be on my list.

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