But Not Ours


0.2% of Indonesians account for 74% of Indonesia's land through HPH, conglomerates, mining, oil palm plantations and so on. It's just a time bomb, let alone a 0.2% non-promotion.

50% of Indonesia's wealth today belongs to 1% of Indonesians, 70% of property is 10%. 30% for profit, 90% indonesian.

By: Prof. Yusril Ihza Mahendra
Pak Karni Ilyas (ILC)

0.2% orang Indonesia menguasi 74% tanah Indonesia melalui HPH, konglomerasi, pertambangan, perkebunan sawit dan sebagainya. Ini cuma tinggal bom waktu, apalagi yang 0.2% itu non promosi.

50% kekayaan Indonesia hari ini milik 1% orang indonesia, 70 % kekayaan milik 10 %. 30% bagi untung, 90% orang indonesia.

By : Prof. Yusril Ihza Mahendra
Pak Karni Ilyas (ILC)

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