Daftarkan Coin Favoritmu di INDODAX Community Coin Voting

For English version see below


INDODAX sebagai digital asset exchange menerima banyak permintaan penambahan coin/token baru dari para member. Kami memiliki pertimbangan tersendiri dalam menentukan coin/token mana yang layak untuk di-list dalam Indodax demi kenyamanan para member.

Sebagai upaya kami untuk dapat menyediakan coin/token yang berkualitas dan diminati member, kami telah mempersiapkan sebuah sistem baru di mana member dapat berpartisipasi dalam menentukan coin/token mana yang akan di-list dalam platform INDODAX.

Tanggal 23 April 2018 nanti, kami akan meluncurkan program “Community Coin Voting” di mana member bisa mengusulkan dan memberikan suara/vote-nya kepada coin/token mana yang layak untuk di-list di market place Indodax. Semakin besar dukungan suara terhadap suatu coin/token akan memperbesar peluang untuk coin/token tersebut dapat di-list dalam platform INDODAX.

Community Coin Voting periode I (23 April - 7 Mei 2018)
Pendaftaran coin/token : 23 - 30 April 2018.

Pendaftaran coin/token dengan menukarkan 100 TEN per coin/token yang didaftarkan.
Voting : 30 April 2018 pukul 10.00 WIB s.d. 7 Mei 2018 10.00 WIB.

Setiap member dapat berpartisipasi dengan menukarkan 0.1 TEN per vote.
Cara mendaftarkan coin/token :

Siapkan detail project coin/token yang ingin di daftarkan seperti logo, deskripsi, whitepaper, team, dsb.
Pada Senin, 23 April 2018 pukul 00:00 WIB sebuah menu baru “Community Coin Voting” akan muncul pada website Indodax.com (setelah melakukan log-in pada akun). Anda bisa mendaftarkan coin baru melalui form yang tersedia.
Untuk selengkapnya mengenai Community Coin Voting, silakan kunjungi URL berikut ini.

Kami tunggu partisipasi Anda dalam program ini agar semakin banyak coin/token baru yang terdaftar di INDODAX.




INDODAX as a digital asset exchange receives many requests for adding new coins / tokens from members. We have special consideration in determining which coin/tokens are eligible to be listed in Indodax for our members convenience.

As our effort to provide good quality and desirable coins/tokens, we have prepared a new system where members can participate in determining which coins/tokens will be listed on the INDODAX platform.

On 23 April 2018, we will launch a Community Coin Voting program where members can propose and vote on which coins/tokens are eligible to be listed on the Indodax market place. The bigger vote result for a coin/token will increase the chance for the coin/token to be listed in the INDODAX platform.

Community Coin Voting period 1 (23 April 2018 - 7 May 2018)
Coin(s)/token(s) registration : 23 April 2018 - 30 April 2018.

Coin(s)/token(s) registration will cost 100 TEN per coin/token.
Voting : 30 April 2018 at 10.00 WIB – 7 Mei 2018 10.00 WIB.

Each member may participate in voting process and it will cost 0.1 TEN per vote.
How to register coin(s)/token(s) :

Get the details of coin(s)/token(s) project that will be registered such as logo, description, whitepaper, team, etc.
On Monday, 23 April 2018 at 00.00 WIB there will be a new menu “Community Coin Voting” in Indodax.com (after log in to account). You can register new coin(s)/token(s) through form available.
You can read here about Community Coin Voting.

We wait for your participation and voting of your favorite coin(s)/token(s) to be listed on Indodax.com!



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