Episode #2 RANA SANGHA

Hello, Namaste satsriakal
This is the second episode in the series Brave Heroes of India.
This belongs to one of the greatest kings, and fighters the Indian motherland ever produced.
The Name is Sangram Singh popularly known as RANA SANGHA.
He belongs to the Sisodia dynasty of Mewar Rajputana which is in Rajasthan.
He was 7 feet tall warrior who reunited all the clans of Rajputana and fought many battles against Lodhis and Mughals.


He fought more than 100 battles and lost only one. His contemporary The Mughal emperor Babur with whom he fought many times quoted Him as the greatest king of India along with Krishandev rai of the south.
Babur quoted" Rana Sangha holds a large portion of Northern India in his reign by his diplomacy and sword."


**He captivates *Mahmud khilji**** for 6 months

In 1519 Battle of Gagronsource ( Malwa region in Gujarat and Rajasthan) happened between Mahmud khalji and Rana Sangha.
Medini Rai was the minister in Mahmud khilji's kingdom and wasn't happy with the king due to his decisions against the people of malwa. he asked Rana sangha to help him in dethroning Mahmud khilji.


Rana sangha with his large army from Chittor attached to Mahmud defeated him in Gagron,
Wounded Mahmud khilji was Imprisoned for 6 months along with his men.

Rana himself has taken care of khilji's wounds and released him respectfully so that he can return to his land.
Khilji sends a belt embedded with precious jewels and a diamond crown as a gift to Rana sangha.

Rana sangha was on a winning streak, after Khilji he draw his attention to the Lodhi dynasty which was ruled by Ibrahim Lodhi.
Rana fought with Lodhi in Khatoli and defeated him, but lost one of his arms and a leg.
Lodhi again fought with the Sangha in Dholpur and faced defeat.


Lodhi fought many battles just to defeat Rana but his dream never came true, and he had lost his entire land. while Rana extended the boundary of his kingdom even after being handicapped.

He fought two battles with Babur and made him. kneel in the first one fought at Bayana. After winning 99 battles, Rana lost his last battle with Babur at Khanwa 35 miles west of Agra.


The reason for his defeat was the canons and guns used by Babur's army and his being betrayed by one of his companions Silhadi who left him and join hands with Babur.

Stay tuned for more Episodes

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