Is winning more important than living life? #2

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Hello everyone

Welcome to my latest blog, so in the last blog I was covering an incident which occured in a get together, so let's continue our story further.

I know that parents always think about their child's welfare but is it not important to let the child live his life the way he wants and atleast let him make his life decisions once in a while so that they learn and get experience of taking such decision for future. And does winning means soo much than child happiness, I know that the decision made by parent's are all thought and is for better future of his child and as a chold they won't understand what is the good or bad for them in long run and the children won't regret that the his parents took all the decision. But that all in future who knows what future holds we never know what is going to happen in future, And making decisions for future is ok but having regret of past in future is miserable, the person will not enjoy to remember his past and the people from his past.

But does his teenage will come again? It is the life's moment where he can enjoy a little atleast, this is the time of his life were he can make some friends and have some fun but with this kind of total control I am sure he will surely regret that he was having such life and he got parents with such mindset because peer pressure will not just improve the child, it weakens the relationship of child and parent also. I just want to say that what ever your child likes try to see that and find some solution and try to see through future which he van make in it and it will surely make hima nd the parents both of them happy.

That was all I wanted to say, but guys I would like your opinion on this matter and what could we do to stop thos pressure on our fellow mates and the upcoming generation, this is @furiousboy signing off for the day.

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