Indian Air Force's Wig Commander abhinandan Release by pakistan

Indian Air Force's Wig Commander abhinandan Release

India . Pulwama killed in Pakistan's terrorist attack on 14 february , 44 soldiers of India were killed, in response to India's reply in after 12 days by 12 airplanes, more than 300 terrorists killed . later Pakistan F16 aircraft from Pakistan Wig Commander killed him in the air in the air, but his aircraft had crashed in Pakistan and the Wig commander fell down there, he was sent for the attack. They also asked the people, they said that if I told them, then the people said that you are in India, but they suspected that they did not give a slogan to India, then no one did not give it if they were not in India. To prevent the crowd, they firing in the air, ran the map which they had from their country and ran into the pond. Pakistan's captivity captured them and the video was sent to India and sent to you that your pilot is in our country. Pakistan was afraid of India, they do not want to fight, that order was issued, for peace and peace we will release the pilot of India, it was told that India was asked to do without the release of Wing Commander abhinandan without any condition. Wife Commander's father was Air Marshal, he had participated in the Battle of Kargil; Abandonan's grandfather was also in the Air Force, his wife Tanvi was also in the Air Force, his brother is also in the Air Force, his mother is a doctor, he is from Tamil Nadu. He is living, his wife Tanvi Marwah was in the senior position in the Air Force and retired from the post of Leader. Some words related to Wing Commander

  1. The aircraft of the Wing Commander fell to Pakhpur in Kashmir on February 27, 2019, after which he was sent to custody in Pakistan,
    2 Jabber congratulations O from Tamil Nadu, his father was in the Air Force and his brother is also in the Air Force.
  2. At the age of 34 at a food travel show in 2011, Bad Atitud itself makes a good fighter
  3. Congratulations in 2004 as a Pilot joined the Indian Air Force.
  4. In 2011, on the news channel, he had talked about his experience in a program on NDTV and told that the most important thing for fighter pilot is teamwork.
    His father had worked as consultant in the film Kataru Veliya, directed at the 6th Kargil war.
  5. Pakistan was released by the video in which the Wig Commander did not see the wrinkle on the face, the zoo was looking,
  6. In the video it was seen that the officers of the Pakistan Army were asking them what the fighter was blowing and what was the mission, they told that in sorry Sir, they can not say, you can not lion with you.
  7. Three generations of the Commander engaged in the Air Force for nation service
    10.Wig Commander was not scared even in the enemy country and enthusiastically answered
    The release date of the Wig Commander was due on March 1, 2019, the whole country was waiting patiently, it was a matter of joy all over the country, people had gathered at the attic border since morning and the country's singing wings became the hood of the wing commander But the Pakistani army was delaying the name of the paperwork, finally the Wing commander was released at 9.25 in the night, he was released from Pakistan's Foreign Ministry The officers and the commandos had come to the gate to release, people gladly got involved in India, for the brave warriors, I am proud to write the whole country and I am proud to write this article, through the media of Q. The release was seen and we were very happy to see them.

Dr. Gulab Chand Patel

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