26th January | Republic Day of India


  • Every year 26th Jan is celebrated as Republic day of India. So I would like to wish you all happy Republic day.
  • Did you ever thought why it is celebrated on this particular day. One obvious/common answer is because on this day our constitution came into force. However since the constitution was drafted on 9th Dec 1949, so it could be little earlier or later than 26th Jan 1950.

The date chosen for official enforcement of constitution had significant attachment with Nationalist, because Nehru during swaraj andolan hoisted Tricolour in Lahor on 31st Dec 1949, and demanded for 'Purna Swaraj' on 26th Dec 1930.

  • But things didn't went as planned and Swaraj came after 17 years on 15th Aug 1947 coinciding 2nd anniversary of of the day when Japanese force submitted after second world war.
  • So finally when Constitution was introduced, 26th Jan was decided to bring the constitution into force as this date was associated with National Pride.

Hope you find it logical enough to accept as to why 26th jan and no other date.

This is all for now, Thankyou guys for your visit. Feel free to post your comments.

Have a nice day, till next time see ya.... @singhrajat


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