My superstitious country

We Indians are very superstitious and nothing can change that. We do buy insurance for our cars, but rely solely on lemons and chillies (nimbu Mirchi) to keep us safe during our ride. No matter which origin your cat belongs to Persian or Indian, if it is black then it is bad luck. Your medical reports make your doctor go bonkers, but ur twitching eyes will surely make your family happy for that is a sign that confirms good luck is soon going to arrive. The list of such good and bad superstitions that we Indians believe in is unending.
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I am not a very great fan of superstitions. I prefer lemons in lemonade and not inside the car's boot. I am not racist towards cats and when my eyes twitch I blame it on stress and lack of sleep. However, my mum does follow some of these superstions and I guess it is difficult for anyone to make her believe that what she believes in is just not happening. I tried my luck, but looks like every time I get to trying to convince her a black cat follows me 😂.

Anyhow, now I am convinced that my mom is not an issue because there are far more worse cases here in India. Just today I read a news piece that made me realize superstions in India will stay forever. Can a surgeon be superstitious? Well, why not if he is Indian. A doctor in Pune is so superstitious that he got a godsman to chant some hymns as his patient was breathing her last. He apparently made someone shoot the video when he was standing besides and his extremely sick patient was being applied Vermillion and flowers while godsman kept chanting sacred chants.

Patients brother, after watching the video filed a police complaint stating that the doctor made the family members recide a particular hymn while he was operating on his sister around 3 months ago. The patient had been in ICU ever since and breathed her last after his recent episode of superstition. The police are on the lookout for this doctor and the godman who are into hiding.

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