A journey towards perfections- from trader to spiritual peace


Here we are working with our blog and preparing for drop shipping market. Here we will find out various other source of income that will boost our daily life as well as will supply required adequate money for trading.

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Money is really needed to live a life just like , Anna Bastra and Basathan Means , foods , Clothes and Home for live. Money also needed to maintain all of these three.

We need to be strong enough so that our life our family can survive easily, a good neighbor can help us but how log, we need to be in-depended , we need to help them and stretch our hand to social welfare .

We need to be strong enough so that we can take part of all these activity easily . Where Healthy body is the temple of Healthy Mind , Where Soul can take place in that temple and can drive Body , Mind and Spirit such a way that Balance will be maintained.

If any of these get dis balanced specially Body everything goes vain . The aspect of Human life is so simple to achieve supreme reality to dissolve into the supreme Soul but problems is that we are living in a such world where Human beings are making simplicity into complex one.

Just like a spider net where entry is there but exit is not possible until and unless you are aware of that what you are doing.

Some people get involved into addictions, this is not the way we are living. But we need balanced life.
We need Health We need wealth we need food as well , we need adequate amenities for our evolution of spiritual to attend to realize our supreme soul.

When mind becomes clam , wise and Body become storng enough to to store enogugh cosmic energy we will be come more stable more wise more developed more knowledgeable more wise than ever before.

So first of all we need to be conscious of our first steep to maintain daily life that is Healthy Body , healthy Mind Healthy Spiritual activity .

All of these will comes many ways .but we are living a throat cut competition enabled age where money will full fill our basic need . like foods, clothes and Home.

If all these tensions get vanished from our life then we can be able to stretch 2nd steps towards spirituals. As we are social humans being , not live in Satya Youg not in a place where time is more important than anything else.

We we want to practice spirituality from social then we need to be sensitive all that things surrounded with us.
We need to be responsive all those things according to its requirements and ignore the things which is not need for us.

So before start all of these we need to be multi talented must be hard worker must be kind enough towards all creatures of the Gods.

So lets begins journey ........ towards perfections towards spirituality.

Lets take step staying , living in this society we born, where we are growing now. Not leaving it not just take a good step for our mother earth become a successful spiritually rich persons to attend supreme knowledge .

lets start together....

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