A New Mother At 40'S!

Why iam writing this blog?

A mother is a mother irrespective of her age. It does not make a difference in a mother's world.

Well i was gifted with motherhood very lately. The day i learnt i conceived, mixed feelings overtook me! I was confused, happy, anxious and nervous. I counted and found out i will be stepping into my 40's with a super active toddler! All these years i have walked my marital life at my own pace. Numerous travel stories, long drives, a no cooking day, an all sleep day, a maid less day, a housecleaning day, weekend outings, friends at home, reading three novels in a day or just about anything or nothing at all! It was a world of two persons...me and my spouse. I did want to become a mother too. But years passed and i accepted what life had to offer and slowly gave up hope of conceiving and entering motherhood. Fortunately miracle and prayers took over and i entered a stage of late pregnancy at the beginning of my 36th year. At my 37th birthday, i found myself cutting my birthday cake with my five month old baby who had to be delivered prematurely at the seventh month of my pregnancy.

Initially the world of motherhood seemed unknown to me. All these years i have happily learnt to live my days and do my household duties at my own command. Now here i have a little one, my baby who is calling for my attention all through the 24 hours of a day! Iam sleeping, eating, bathing and waking up at my baby's command! I had no time to sit leisurely for my morning cup of tea(forget lunch or dinner), read a newspaper( forget novels), cook food for my spouse(hired a cook), sleep for hours as long as i wish(a newborn needs to feed hourly), comb my hair(always tied a ponytail) or even take a proper bath(i learnt to fast forward). I was shocked at the new turn of events, surprised at my patience and energy levels that were unexplored all these years. I was cleaning and examining my baby's potty with expertise! My bedroom decor and furniture had to be rearranged according to my new life's demands. I never knew i had the ability to do all these and learn the lessons of motherhood that fast. It all progressed at a superfast pace giving me no time to sit and turn the pages of any books on motherhood that i had purchased earlier.

All these new adventures are pretty common to most new mothers. But theories and practices tell us that the younger the mother, the merrier it is! Initially the age to be a mother was suggested to be within our 30's and now not beyond the 35th mark. And here iam heading towards my 40's with few grey streaks of hair and a toddler in hand creating a storm inside my home! The stages of pregnancy were not easy either. Probably my energy levels were real lower and anxiety higher compared to what i might have felt if younger. But than if God decides to bestow us with the gift of a child lately than we are indeed super mommies here. We have known that our biological clock starts ticking as soon as we cross our 30's. But the arrival of a baby after our 30's definitely turns upside down all these theories. We put in that extra effort to stay and feel younger ignoring our streaks of grey hair! We start to believe that we are fit as a fiddle, while our babies ensure that we actively take part in their tantrums with patience.

Being a new mommie at my 40's has given me more reasons to stay fit now. Iam actively participating in my toddler's world of play, adventures and new findings. Before having a baby i never realised the powerhouse i could be today! The love that i feel for my baby is beyond any other emotions i felt till date. It has pulled me to a new level of self sacrifice, realisations, acceptance and fitness. I have to walk that extra mile and be my child's companion. I do take my glass of milk and supplements to keep my energies higher. I do colour my grey streaks and happily head for fun times to amusement parks with my toddler! My interests, needs and expectations have changed. I waited years for this phase of my life and now iam supposed to carry it forward. It does not matter if iam getting old as i cannot hear the clock ticking anymore...

....i would rather pause it for now!img-20180411-5acdf96934af5.jpg

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