5 Points How Would I Choose The Right Hospital For My Delivery!!

Motherhood is the most beautiful phase of our life (ok it does bring with it sleepless nights a cranky infant who makes a mess of everything, but we can’t deny the fact that we still love them) and 21st-century motherhood starts with those two pink lines on our home pregnancy test kit. Well, when I first saw them, the first thing that came to my mind, besides overwhelming joy was, “what do I do next”. So, without thinking any further I fixed up an appointment with a gynecologist. Then started the series of tests.

For the first three months, my focus was completely on taking care of myself and following the doctor’s advice. Once, those crucial three months were over safely we decided to choose a hospital for my delivery. The 5 factors that I kept in my mind while deciding my hospital were:

  1. The Team of Doctors – I first decided on the Primary doctor. I chose my gynaecologist because I was confident when I saw her practice experience and academic qualifications, they were top notch. Also, my sister and her friends recommended her to me and there were many good reviews about her on multiple platforms. A doctor can make our pregnancy a memorable one and thus choosing a good doctor is the best thing we can do for ourselves.

  2. Support at the hospital –My gynecologist's advice for choosing a hospital was plain and simple, choose a hospital which is at least multi-specialty (if not a super-specialty), I was skeptical at first however, I decided to visit a super specialty hospital to understand the layers of support that I might require during my pregnancy. I learnt that during pregnancy one witnesses a lot of changes in one’s body and there are few unavoidable emergencies too that a gynaec alone cannot handle. For example, I had to get myself closely monitored by a Nephrologist for the first four months of my pregnancy and I am asked to consult a Dietician for the complete duration of my pregnancy because of my fluctuating blood sugar levels. Also, it is necessary that Radiologists and Pathology labs are available at all times during pregnancy because of the number of tests and ultrasounds that we are going to undergo.

  3. Post Delivery Support - Pediatricians

Never undermine the importance of post-delivery care and support that a mother and a child would need. A panel of good and experienced paediatricians is a must. The hospital should also have a neonatal department to take care of, in case an emergency occurs. Unfortunately, the odds of post-delivery complications are increasing rapidly due to an unhealthy lifestyle. The last thing you want during your pregnancy is running from one hospital to another coordinating case history, it becomes hectic and rather distressing. So, my choice would be a multi-speciality or a super-speciality hospital which would help me in every arena and save me from the hassle of finding experts or worrying about post-delivery care.

  1. Infrastructure –When I say infrastructure I mean to say that a hospital should have all the modern day amenities that are required to assist a hassle-free delivery. The radiology department should have all the ready equipment that could be required for ultrasounds during pregnancy and are open to cover even at odd hours. The labour room should have all the necessary things that could be required at the time of delivery. For post-delivery care, one should choose a hospital which has a neonatal ICU, and a well maintained and functional nursery for the baby. A blood bank and not to forget a well-equipped pharmacy which makes the job easier.

  2. High-risk handling – This is one area which not many of us would think about but sadly this is a very important part. I don’t mind inquiring again and again with the hospital authorities whether they are well equipped to handle the emergency if any may occur. We all like to think best for us but should be prepared for the worst-case scenario. The last thing I want in my pregnancy is being told that the hospital cannot handle a high-risk case. This is one of the most important aspects of a safe delivery. It should be made sure that the hospital authorities are well equipped to handle any emergency that might occur.

  3. Birthing Partner – Many hospitals in India, still do not allow a birthing partner but few do and I definitely want a hospital which allows my husband to be with me during that time. Who wants to be alone at the time when you are physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted and vulnerable? A familiar face would give confidence and support to conclude the journey to motherhood.

These are a few points I think we should keep on our mind while deciding on a hospital. Of course, extras such as good coffee shop, healthy eat out joints (to catch lunch/breakfast in between appointments), ATM, spacious well-maintained rooms, and a good sit out area to add to these won’t hurt.img-20180306-5a9e3672456a8.jpg

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