Whistleblower Attorney Mark Zaid and his planned coup that was evidenced just 10 days after Trump was inaugurated. Zaid's social media shows some interesting connections to Intelligence agencies including foreign. What's with Disney and Zaid?

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Tweets from Whistleblower's attorney back in 2017.

Their Boasting and symbolism is Indeed what is doing them in!

Arrogance! Proverbs 16:18
18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

Just Keep on doing what you're doing Progressive Radicals!

The hands you keep playing Exposes Exactly who you are and the fact you do all to protect #TheEstablishment and Not #WeThePeople

Their attempts to scrub evidence Don't always Work for them!

They don't realize there is an Army of Warriors out there who anticipate their tactics bast on past performance.

For instance, he used to have these videos of Child Disney stars which tracked them from childhood on.in his liked videos Interesting is all, yet, his channel is scrubbed from a website which featured his social media and used to feature a link to his channel. Hold on videos originally on YT channel. ..might still be there! Didn't come up at first but I think they ARE still there. I'll put a link in comments and we'll see how long those Liked vids stay on his channel. In the meantime, I'll make sure I log every link from the curious viewing proclivities of this attorney committed to covering the crimes of the Deep State.

Now his websites look Different, but no worries, we already archived the original and this Deep State lawyer has been tracked for some time.

These are the videos in his Liked category.
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Top 10 prettiest disney channel stars

Top 10 Disney Girls

Selena Gomez from child to women

Some cover from infancy on. . .

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Should Hottest be used on a channel that features children? Just asking because it has become Known that ABC covered up an interview involving Epstein's known pedophile abuses along with Elite, high profile names who had flown on Epstein's private plane, been to his island or mansion and partied with him.

See more info in sources below.

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What did Bella Thorne just recently reveal? Not to mention Interesting dates concerning yet Another child actor who recently died. See the link in sources below for more info including a video report for those who want to listen while doing chores. Here Bella Thorne talk about the child sex abuse in sources.

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Keep in mind this was in 2011

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It was the one featured as a child in another video. Just saying it's interesting is all.

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While they have been Collecting all of Our data, we've been gathering theirs! #DayOfReckoning

Remember when they said the Deep State was Just a "Conspiracy Theory?" I guess they forgot they already played their hand when the 7th floor, Mahogany Row, "The Shadow Government was revealed in documents related to SCIFS (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities) and Hillary Clinton's loose behavior with said material in government documents.

Keep communicating Deep Staters! Keep bragging and Please, Keep Boasting! It's about time the general public sees All you have really been up to!

Whistleblower worked for CIA and Schumer said, "you take on the intelligence community, they have 6 ways from Sunday getting back at ya!"

Really? Another 6. . .interesting coding Schumer. We already knew Who You were!

Is That good that there are entities Against the American People and the president They have chosen? Should they have That much power?

Is that not dangerous to have the scales of power tipped so Much in Their favor?

Just check out what it says on his website, Quite telling!

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Let's break this down,

States he often represents

  • former/current federal employees

  • intelligence and military officers

  • Whistleblowers

  • and others who have grievances or have been wronged by agencies of the United States Government or foreign governments

  • Continuing Legal Education classes on “Defending Security Clearances” and “The Basics of Filing and Litigating Freedom of Information/Privacy Act Requests”.

Whoa. ..

named as a Washington, D.C. Super Lawyer every year since he was profiled in 2009

as well as a “Best Lawyer” by Washingtonian Magazine in 2009, 2011, 2013, and 2015 (issued bi-annually), for his national security work.

Web site Boasts. . .

"for his national security work. As the National Law Journal once wrote, “if Agent Mulder ever needed a lawyer, Zaid would be his man.”

I Don't Think So. Too many tells of covering for those creating acts of treason, then Pretending the Other side did it.

Appears to protect, instigators, chaos pushers and all around traitors.

Notice how he took down his yt social media. Nice try Mark!

Just take a look at what his Facebook page says,

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These people have been at it for Quite some time! How convenient to have So Many tie in's to intelligence agencies including Foreign!

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Between 1969 and 1990, Rimington worked in all three branches of the Security Service: counter espionage, counter subversion, and counter terrorism. Following the 1979 Department of Health and Social Security computer operators strike. . .

In December 1991, she made a visit to Moscow to make the first friendly contact between the British intelligence services and their old enemies the KGB. On her return from Russia, she was told she had been promoted to Director General.

Rimington retired from MI5 in 1996. She was made a **Dame Commander of the Order of the Bath **(DCB) in the New Year Honours List in 1996.

In November 2005 she spoke out against national ID cards.

She has also described the US response to the 9/11 attacks as a "huge overreaction."

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Order of the Bath symbol
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So Three joined in One is their motto. Interesting!

The Order consists of the Sovereign (currently Queen Elizabeth II), the Great Master (currently Charles, Prince of Wales, and three Classes of members:

Knight Grand Cross (GCB) or Dame Grand Cross (GCB)
Knight Commander (KCB) or Dame Commander (DCB)
Companion (CB)

See how this 3 in one concept is used for 3 entities which rule under their Own laws as the rest of the general public is forced to follow a Different set of laws in sources below.

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And a Groundbreaking event at L'Enfant Plaza. Interesting name.

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Ellicott's most complete plan, engraved and printed in 1792 by Thackera and Valance in Philadelphia, contained the names of L'Enfant's "grand avenues" and East Capitol Street as well as lot numbers and the depths of the channels of the "Potomak" River and the Eastern Branch. This and other plans that Ellicott designed lacked both L'Enfant's name and the numerical designations for the reservations that L'Enfant had placed in the plan. The legends in each conveyed less information that did those in L'Enfant's Plan.

During a contentious period in February 1792, Andrew Ellicott, who had been conducting the original boundary survey of the future District of Columbia (see: Boundary Stones (District of Columbia)) and the survey of the "Federal City" under the direction of the Commissioners, informed the Commissioners that L'Enfant had not been able to have the city plan engraved and had refused to provide him with the original plan (of which L'Enfant had prepared several versions). Ellicott, with the aid of his brother, Benjamin Ellicott, then revised the plan, despite L'Enfant's protests. Ellicott's revisions, which included the straightening of the longer avenues and the removal of L'Enfant's Square No. 15, created changes to the city's layout (See: Randolph Square).

Shortly thereafter, Washington dismissed L'Enfant. After L'Enfant departed, Andrew Ellicott continued the city survey in accordance with the revised plan, several versions of which were engraved, published and distributed. As a result, Ellicott's revisions subsequently became the basis for the capital city's development.

L'Enfant did not plan, survey or plat Perrysburg, Ohio, or Indianapolis, Indiana. Alexander Bourne, Joseph Wampler and William Brookfield surveyed and platted the future Perrysburg area in 1816.[50] Alexander Ralston, an engineer who had assisted L'Enfant in the planning of the city of Washington, used elements of L'Enfant's plan for the federal capital city when designing and surveying the future city of Indianapolis (the state capital of Indiana) during the 1820s

Although the United States Congress had paid him for his work on the design of the City of Washington,[52] L'Enfant died in poverty on June 14, 1825.

Beneath the L'Enfant Plaza is one of the central rapid transit busy Metro subway stops in Washington, D.C., the L'Enfant Plaza station.

Are there meanings in words?

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Just a thought as it is reminiscent of yet Another familiar name among pedogate researchers,

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See info concerning him, his instagram he scrubbed that was archived and the bands with predatory lyrics and posters he has been Known to have (evidence) to what is called a "family friendly restaurant!"

More photos of Mark Zaid and ties to Intelligence Agencies which Schumer Boasted would take anyone down who took them on.

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Interesting what he has been involved in,

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On his linkden,

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Don't forget all McCabe's been involved in. More info in sources below including one where he shows up in the OIG report, you know the one that Proves Hillary Clinton, Clinton Foundation Crimes Against Children. Page 294 OIG midyear review.

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Looks like they made sure they had their people in lace in just the right Sectors!

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Remember, they will do Whatever it Takes and stoop to Any level to get Their way! They Told you, She would win! Do you suppose they Needed her to win to keep all of Their cries covered up?

Why were reporters even Crying when she lost? Does that seem normal to you?

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#DarkToLight, #MarkZaid, #ShadowGovernment, #7hFloor, #DeepState,

Sources and connecting articles,


https://markzaid.com/Screen Shot 2019-11-07 at 10.28.57 AM.png


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Epstein Arrested July 6, 2019 A judge that died connected to his case and Cameron Boyce












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