My view on the immigration debate.

Just to note this is only a point of view not pure fact.
I am open to change my mind on this.

When I think about the Main stream immigration debate,
I think about left is pro-immigration and right is anti-immigration.
At least that is the way a lot of people see this. But I also got this idea that the left is more pro-immigration than the right is actually being anti-immigration. But whether Immigration is a good or bad thing depends on the context and who we are talking about.

If somebody would have asked me what I think of Immigration 10 years ago, then I would have probably have been all for it. Because to me and many people, it makes sense that anybody from any country
has the right to come here and have a chance to build up a good life so they can have a
wealthier and happier life, and take good care of their children. And because everybody is morally supposed to have that human right it would be immoral to deny anybody the chance to migrate towards here.

I might be wrong but I think that might be the line of thought where most pro-Immigration people come from. Wich, of course, makes sense, morally speaking. But if you dig deeper into the context and what we are dealing with,
then you notice that it is sadly not that simple. If the people you let in happen to have the intent to abuse the situation or to come to force their views and ideology on you then I don't think it is immoral to not let them in, and it becomes much more of a grey area. Why is this? Simply because some cultures don't ever want to adapt or assimilate. And that can be dangerous depending on wich culture we are looking at.

If we go back to looking at migration in history its all far from roses and flowers.
For the sake of trying to see it from two perspectives I searched for a succesfull example
of mass migration wich happened in the past. And I could find only one wich was about europeans that moved to the USA in the early 20'st century. This is probaly because there were already simularities between the cultures.
Another example might be the Roman empire before the third century crisis. I read that in the beginning of the Roman empire, Rome was quite multicultural because of people all over the empire coming in. Wich is also something that partly changed the Roman identity.

Many regions in the Roman imperium assimilated in their own way. And Rome brought them cultural innovations like aquaducts and Roman style buildings, towns, temples and baths.

But when the Germanic Barbarians came in these people did not assimilate. Ofcourse they picked up some things from roman culture, but they always kept their own identities, their own army's and their own lands. It was huns expanding and the infighting that chased the germanic tribes into the Roman territory. And to keep them under control Rome had to give them land or pay tribute. Ofcourse in return many of these barbarians fought for Rome as Mercenary's.

But the fall of the Roman empire is not the only example.
There is also the European migration into the america's during the colonization.
The usa's expansion into native American territory.
The time when Mexico important migrants from the US into texas.
The Anglo Saxon migration into britain.

And today the mass immigration from africa because of huge poverty, and from the middle east because of Isis and Western governments bombing it back to the stone age.
we all know nobody wants to live in the stone age.

And whether we like it or not this Immigration is Dangerous.
I think there is no denying that this Immigration thing is going to
have a long term bad effect on Europe just from seeing what it has done to most countries that are affected by it.
In my eyes Importing people from places like africa or the middle east the way we do now feels similar to when the government of isreal would start a mass import of neo nazi's
Not saying that all migrants that come into Europe see the native Europeans the same way that nazi's would look at jews.
But I do feel we are certainly looked down upon by the people we import from these countries simply because we let them walk all over us.

Still I think immigration can work depending on the circumstances.
And I don't believe its impossible for all ethnicies to mix.
If you have a culture that is open to other cultures and idea's and have
another culture that is also open to other cultures and ideas, then
the people can mix defenitly.
But some cultures just can not mix because they refuse to.
And if that culture has opposing values and is trying to spread as much as they can.
Then it will only push people into extreme corners.

This is pretty much my view on how I see Immigration right now.
There is more I would want to share about this.
But I might up writing too much and make the post all confusing.

Anyway these are just some things I think are important to think about.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Hope you have a healthy and positive day.

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