The immigration boogeyman

This was originally published by The Unfake Media at

The fake alternative media and the alt-right are running an operation to get people to fear immigrants and beg for more government restrictions and rules making in harder for people to travel. We will say that the government is defiantly destabilizing countries and then that results with boatloads of people coming to the USA to cover up the plummeting birth rates, but these agents of the NWO are making immigrants into a greater threat than they truly are.

The government is making you look at immigrants as terrorists that are coming to get you when the truth is that the real threat does not come from these outsiders but from the biggest terrorist organization of all the US government! ISIS is not a Muslim terrorist group but a United States/Israel funded boogeyman man.

The war on terror is not a war on a terror but a war on your rights! The government is doing these false flag attacks and using them to carry out many agendas like gun control, self-driving cars, police state, surveillance grid and a global ID system.

They have fooled the MAGA maggots into thinking that building a huge wall is going to protect people and help America when in fact it will be used to keep you in! These retards are begging to have the jail walls put up around them! We can see the real ID act going into effect forcing people to have these insane requirements to travel and this is all being upped by this fraud boogeyman man they have created.

The government needs to immediately stop forcing people to have their permission to travel. Drivers licenses and other government identification are a violation of your rights an abomination that must be done away with! These terrorist impostor thugs have no business forcing people to show their papers like in Nazi Germany! With all this immigration agenda going on they are using it to make people have to show papers for more and more things! We hear reports of people now being forced to give retina scans at the airport and lots of other Orwellian things! The next step is to have a microchip that acts a digital currency and identification plus a tracking device that will be able to control your body.

This microchip will be like the latest Iphone people will be waiting in line and rushing to get this shit! Honestly this microchip is one of the most frightening things coming from this NWO and when the time comes that they are making it mandatory to get the microchip, you should rather die than submit your self to this hideous abomination!

It gets really tiring watching these fraud fake alternative media sellouts program people into this immigration Psyop! It is part of the huge divide and conquer that is going on; dividing women against men, black against white, gay against straight and immigrant against citizen. People are so proud to be citizens of the USA when the fact is they are nothing more than slaves that are content with their slavery.

They have recently been building up the USA/Mexico border not to keep the Mexicans out but to make it harder for Americans to leave. It might still be easy enough to go from the USA into Mexico but the infrastructure has and is being built so as to make it harder for you to escape the USA when it goes full martial law mode. They are using this immigration deception as an excuse to make you less free and restrict your right to travel. If you still think that we have a Constitution in the USA than you are dreaming in rainbow Technicolor! The Constitution is not obeyed by any law enforcement officers or any judges. The system is 100% rigged and these government crooks don’t give a shit about your rights all these people care about is their paycheck.

Do not fall for the deception of these alt-right frauds! We must resist this conspiracy against the souls inhabiting this cursed nation.

Copyright by The Unfake Media 2017

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