The united position of the radical left is to stop president Trump

Let me state my position: GOD is using Donnald Trump and thus far I support Trumps actions as president. The left (which is not exactly only democrats) political platform (which is there stated check list of goals) tries to grab as much low hanging fruit. The left preys on weak willed individuals. For example, the president wants to delay reuniting children with their 'supposed' family members. Before we turn the kids over we want to find out who these adults are. For all we know we might be turning the kids over to child molesters, or unscrupulous individuals that pick the kids up (falsely claiming to be a family member) and drive the kid down the block and sell the kids into the sex trade where the kids might be raped and then killed.

The left will not explain that part of the story, all the left wants is a group of people (that seem informed) but are really jumping to conclusions, and being upset that the president has the nerve to preform a background check on people that are trying to take those children. Well congratulations Mr. President you might have saved a child from being caught up in the sex trade and then killed.

Thousands across U.S. join 'Keep Families Together' march to protest family separation (

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