Imagine you have been given a chance to become the Prime Minister of your country for a day,,,,

Imagine you have been given a chance to become the Prime Minister of your country for a day. :-
If I were the Prime Minister of India, the first step I would take is to bring prosperity to the millions of hungry people.
My second aim would be to provide education to my countrymen because no country can progress unless its citizens are educated. To achieve this goal i would make education free. There should be no distinction and corruption in education.
Terrorism is another major problem faced by our country. I would increase the defence forces to stop the immigration of terrorists into our country through the borders.
I would make laws against corruption even more strict which would in curbing corruption in the country.
I would make psychological treatment for cruel prisoners in jail compulsory to help them become better citizens.

By 2020 I hope India would be a prosperous, healthy, secure, peaceful and happy.
I hope there will be only a few people below the poverty line.
India would be a nation in which all the energy and water resources will be equally shared by the states. These energy resources would be utilized in a proper manner to conserve them for the future generations.
India would be a country where agriculture, industry and service sector would work together and result in prosperity
Every child would be educated without any discrimination
India would provide the highest standards of living which will prevent all its scholars from migrating to other nations, intrun helping in the development of the country
India would eradicate some of the most deadly diseases like polio, AIDS and other dangerous diseases.
The government offices in India would be corruption free and the rules would be simplified to make them easily accesible to the common man
India would become a nation where poverty has been totally alleviated, illiteracy and crime against women are eradicated.
India would become one of the best places to live in on the planet

Write a paragraph telling the things you wolud like to do.

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