Know How to Qualify To Live In UK

ILR or indefinite leave to remain in UK is a settlement to live in UK without any restrictions. ILR is granted to those persons who had qualified all the eligibilities in visa category. A person with ILR can stay in UK for as long as they can and also apply for citizenship after a stipulated time period.
Indefinite Leave to Remain UK is also referred as Permanent residence (PR). A tier 2 general visa is for migrants who are offered to work in UK and are sponsored employees by UKVI authorized companies and employers.
Tier 2 visa requirement:
 Job offer from UKVI authorized UK sponsor.
 A valid certificate for sponsorship. (CoS) number.
 Annual salary above £20,800.
 B1grade (reading, writing, speaking and listening) in CEFR for English proficiency testing.
 Maintenance funds for self-support of £945.

Time and fee structure for Tier 2 General Visa UK application:
It takes about approximately 3 weeks and the fees depend on the type of application.
A foreign national can work and remain in UK with ILR without any restriction. The qualifying period generally require continuous residence in UK for minimum 5 years (excluding some categories). Continuous residence can be explained as residing in the country without a gap of 180 days (apx. 6 months) in 12 months of the counted period. A person is then eligible to apply for citizenship after ILR status is held for a year.
The application for ILR through tier 2 visa can be made by post within the 10 working days.
The eligibility for ILR:
It applies to the current visa holders and they must provide all the specified documents in support of their application. The following are the eligibility criteria:

 Continuous residence period with income:
The applicant must complete 5 years term period of continuous residence in UK with income threshold of £35,000 (annual) or higher.
It also consist additional rule that the residing person must had not spent no more than 180 days outside the country in any 12 months. A lengthy absence can lead to rejection of the application so, it is advised to keep detailed record of the absences if any.
 Language & life in UK test:
The applicants must have proficiency in English language. The language test is taken for that, and must demonstrate the result at B1 level. It is compulsory 45 minutes test for foreign nationals to test their ability to live in UK as British residents. Anyone from 18 to 64 years of age must pass the Life in UK test.
 No refusal before on general grounds:
The applicants must not break any immigration rules that may lead to refusal are denied for application. There is good character norm that means no criminal record, which checks that the applicant do not have any involvement in criminal activities and is clean to apply.

Some important information before application:
• Applications for ILR under Tier 2 general visa is done on SET(O) form.
• It can only be applied 28 days after the completion of 5 year criteria, inappropriate application can lead to refusal.

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