
Hey guys my name's Roz. As i read everyone's post i get more and more intrigued with this entire community. I'm honestly considered a #facebook junkie by my husband. He doesn't say it but he gives me his stink eye when he sees me on facebook reading through my feed or writing comments or liking peoples posts.

One thing he has said to me is, if you could make money out of your facebook addiction, we'd be rich LOL. That would be awesome eh?!

Well turns out i just shared this site with my husband as we've been learning more and more about crypto currencies, buying, trading, etc. I was really excited when i saw i've made $0.10 in 1 day. LOL i know that is not enough to be rich hehe but it's def 10 cents i didn't have. And just for writing 2 small posts as if i would've written them on FB for which i would've gotten absolutely NADA!! ... my husband laughed at me.

He whom laughs last, laughs best... well at least that's the spanish translation for "el que rie de ultimo, rie mejor".

So here i am watching #youtube videos trying to learn on tips and tricks, plus reading here on steemit all the ins and outs of this #thingamajig . Oh i just cannot stop the excitement. Does this happen to everyone here? it must right? I mean who doesn't get excited with things like these where you get paid for doing your regular norm??

Anyway. I'm 30 years old. Peruvian. Wife. Mother. Daughter. Sister. Friend. Lover. I Love Jesus! . And i'm looking forward to all the great people i will continue to meet and share with here. I have so many ideas thing i want to write already and share with you all but i guess i have to slow down a little and try to make better sense first hehe.

Well that's my little intro. I hope you enjoy this and my future posts. Feel free to follow and comment as i will always return the favor.



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