My Cover for Kids Coloring Book


Finally I can show this project in my portfolio! I was drawing this illustration one month ago. This is done for one very patient guy. He waited for me to deliver it for 3 months! He payed 100% in advance but I had no chance to start it for a long time. I was asking if he wants a refund but he was patiently waiting and waiting. And I really respect that. Glad he had time to wait and he gifted me this illustration. I would never draw this if nodoby would order it. He allowed it to appear.

Weak sketch

Then I was sketching some variants which I was not actually satisfied with. He approved them anyway. I started to color it thinking maybe I will correct all the stuff I don't like in the sketch during the coloring. But you know, when you start from the mood that you don't like the sketch it's better to change it because drawing with the feeling you don't really want to draw this may lead to unexpected results. I mean it may spoil all the inspiration and final outcome will be not good.



Looking for inspiration I was browsing my old sketches and other works folders. I had this unfinished sketch for State of @sndbox monthly competition and I was really expected to finish it one day. Finally I've got an idea how this sketch could be useful for my commercial illustration here.


This sketch itself was done in few minutes but waited for almost half of a year to become useful. After I started to add more silouettes I've got satisfaction and felt this is right way wanted to finish this in colors as soon as possible.



I guess after one more month I showed new sketch to my client and he said he like it a lot and after one more month finally I found time to finish it. So I started to color it saving some steps as a backups and to share them as a story here in my blog.


It's always interesting to see my work in progress stages even for myself and I believe it may be useful for others. I was dreaming to show such a things for ages but had no time and motivation. Great to have such a platform like Steem to share and get additional rewards for it.


I thought this book cover lack of some rich background color but could not found any good variant during the process that's why I decided to wait till I'll finish all the characters. Once all of them was done there was a place to play with different colors for the back.


Final version

Was glad to find this color for background. I feel the whole composition was united this way. Even adding those small details and pieces of paper notes haven't spoiled it. Not sure if white background would work same way. This version was approved by my client immideately and he allowed me to show this work in my portfolio after 2 weeks from approval.


Original book in Amazon Store

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eSteem product lead & illustrator Fil Dunsky
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