optical illusion of six girls with only five pairs of legs


There's a viral optical illusion going around Reddit right now. In it, someone seems to be missing their legs.

Look at the photo of those Green Bay Packers fans closely: There are six women, but it looks like there are only five pairs of legs. The girl in the middle of the couch appears completely legless.

But a closer look reveals that's not the case. There are multiple solutions presented in the Reddit thread , and almost all of them are entirely wrong.

Here's how it really works: The woman in the middle is leaning to her left, meaning the legs to her right actually belong to her. The second woman from the left is wearing black jeans, which are hidden behind the woman on the very left end of the couch.

I know that sounds confusing, so here's an illustration that shows how it works. I brightened up the image to make things more clear.

As you can see, the woman outlined in yellow is leaning her body to her left, making her legs appear to belong to the woman outlined in blue.

Both women on the end of the couch - outlined here in red and blue - are wearing black jeans, but brightening the image makes it clear that they are two different shades of black. One leg of the blue woman is slightly visible (you can see her shoe), and the other is totally obscured behind the red woman's legs.

And here's a closer look, so you can see everything even more clearly.


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