
The old 7 WTC (Building 7) was a 47 story office building (1.9M square feet of office space) whose footprint occupied almost an entire city block. 1 WTC and 2 WTC (the "Twin Towers") had total office space of 3.8M square feet each so 7 WTC was almost exactly half the size as each of the Twin Towers. In my 20 year career selling information technology to Wall Street I was in 7 WTC probably 100 times.

1 WTC and 2 WTC were both struck by airplanes the morning of September 11, 2001, and both collapsed into their own footprints at the speed of gravity.

Did you know that 7 WTC also collapsed into its own footprint at the speed of gravity the same day (~5:00 pm). Why? It wasn't hit by an airplane.

If you weren't aware, here's the story - you can see the (five second) collapse at 00:59 in this video:

Isn't it curious we have been conditioned to believe two buildings fell on 9/11 when it was actually three buildings that fell that day? Isn't that curious?

Have you listened to any of the people claiming the earth is flat? Vastly entertaining and surprisingly intriguing evidence. I tried to force my kids to watch one of the flat earth YouTube videos with me, much against their will, but we only made it to the part where they held me down and tried to suffocate me with a pillow.

Anyway, while looking up at the sky the other day I couldn't help noticing the sky looks exactly like a dome. Look up. Tell me I'm wrong. We all know the earth is a globe, right? Yeah, a snow globe!

A personal experience from Sept '16. I received a notice that Fidelity was going to be moving my cash to a government securities (treasury bonds) fund. I called them to say I wanted to stay in cash since the U.S.A. (Corporation) was bankrupt and I didn't want to take the risk this change entailed.

I was told it wasn't optional. I then spoke to a supervisor. After a long hold he came back on the line to inform me this change had been mandated by the SEC and Fidelity had no say in the matter.

Presumably this change affects all U.S. brokerage companies. If true this means the U.S. government has appropriated how many tens to hundreds of billions of our cash to trade for (valueless?) treasuries.

If it's also true that the market for U.S. Treasuries has dried up around the world because it's becoming more and more apparent that they will never be paid back then the U.S. government just found a new, convenient market for them - us.

Watch out retirement funds (IRAs, 401Ks, pension funds, etc.) - they're next.

While we fixate on the Trump shenanigans, on the increasingly laughable nonsense that passes for "news" on the mainstream media channels, on devoting attention to football players standing or not for the national anthem, or on continuing to be manipulated into battling each other over fictional issues - we are like kittens chasing a laser light thinking that if only we can be a little smarter or faster we can finally catch that red dot darting around on the wall.

There's a monument in New Brunswick, NJ, that doesn't call it the "Civil War". It's a monument to Union soldiers that died putting down the "insurrection".

If you're not getting smart on cryptocurrencies I recommend getting started on personal education toot sweet. I had the opportunity to watch brilliant computer engineers having an in-depth, deeply indecipherable, totally engaged technical discussion and it reminded me exactly of the excitement/collaboration/new ideas/etc. of the Internet circa 1993. The blockchain (bitcoin is an application on top of the blockchain) is going to have as big (or bigger) an effect on our daily lives as did the Internet while the Internet gradually grew into what it is today.

I'm watching the movie "Race" on HBO - the Jesse Owens story. Owens was an African American track and field star that went to the 1936 Olympics in Nazi Germany and won four gold medals. The Nazi leaders did not like it when a non-Aryan athlete bested their top track star, Luz Long. Owens and Long are talking in the Olympic dormitory after the competition (in the movie at least) about the political situation they find themselves in.

Luz says, "I love my country but everybody knows my government has gone insane".

Perhaps we will look back on 2017 and think we might have said the same?

The Lizard People must feel their agenda is on schedule, though, because their forecast for total population of the Unites States in 2025 is 54 million people. This is down from 324 million people today. 83% of Americans will be dead in eight years if their forecast proves accurate.


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