The US Embassy in Jerusalem is illegal

Bangladesh condemns the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem as illegal and illegal. On behalf of the Islamic Cooperation Organization (OIC) the Foreign Minister's Council of the Council of Foreign Affairs (CFM) on behalf of the OIC CFM, Bangladesh condemned it in a statement on Monday evening.

The Foreign Ministry said that it is a joint statement by OIC. Note that the United States opened its embassy in Jerusalem on Monday.
In Bangladesh's statement on behalf of the OIC, it has been said that opening the US Embassy in Jerusalem is illegal. It is a clear violation of international law and deviation from the international community's position on the question of Jerusalem. OIC rejects this illegal decision of the United States administration and strongly condemns it. The OIC thinks that this is the US attack on the historic, legal, natural and national rights of Palestinian people. This decision of the United States underscores the United Nations decision and international law and it threatens international peace and security.

The statement also said that the United States showed disrespect to the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. The US administration has lost the role of mediator in Palestine peace initiatives through this.

OIC calls on all states to not support the US embassy in Jerusalem The OIC has urged the UN Security Council Resolution of 476 and 478 for the full implementation of the 1980's.

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