16 Steps To Crack IIT JEE Exam

Plan a daily timetable which should have an equal distribution of the number of hours to each subject.

While studying the subject, make sure to invest time in the theoretical part as well as on solving good questions keeping in mind the time constraints. Practice answering each question is a certain time frame so you get into the exam mode from day 1.

Always start from BASICS because “without a base, there will be no altitude” and “journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”.

Always BUILD UPRIGHT & APPROPRIATE BASICS because “once the track of train changes, it will go on only that track”. So always select the right track and follow that consistently .

Never check solutions of questions before attempting the question. SELF-ATTEMPT at least five times before you take a peek at the solution. Persevere till you get the right answer because “without falling you cannot stand at once”.

Never leave the question in between. There are students who practice a question without attempting it as a whole. This is a very big fault of many students and it may become a negative point sometimes. So please avoid this practice and try to analyse the problem, attempt and if you fail then check the solution. Be truthful to yourself in these attempts as only you gain from it.

Always try a question with a CONCEPTUAL APPROACH. Don't just read the question and then start answering it without getting to the bottom of what it is asking. Take a breath, think and answer. This will seem difficult at the start but once you make it a practice, it will become the norm for you.

Your study schedule should be such that you get the time for a little relaxation and enjoyment daily.

Having a time schedule is fine but REGULARITY in studies is the combination that will help you crack the exam.

Adequate sleep or rest of at least 6-7 hours a day is mandatory if you are preparing for IIT-JEE otherwise your mindset for the next day will not be conducive for further studies.

Do not get into the habit of studying late into the night. Instead, get up at 6 in the morning and sleep by 11 at night. This will keep your brain activity maximum in the morning and will help you when you actually attempt JEE.

Never cram whatever you learn; always TRY TO UNDERSTAND and approach the problem by studying the theory conceptually.

BE CONFIDENT while you are preparing. NEVER LOSE CONFIDENCE. Motivation is important all the way till you reach an IIT of your choice

A peer group that matches your goals is the best company you could keep during your IIT JEE Preparation. Choose your friends wisely such that they are your strengths and help you be competitive and up to date as well as motivated.

Always keep a copy of the latest syllabus for the exam. Keep the syllabus right in front and cross-check before starting a new topic.

Always study everything with a DEEP INTEREST otherwise it will be of NO USE.

While the above 16 steps to crack IIT JEE are preparation strategies, an equally important part is the exam strategy which then completes the IIT JEE dream. It is vital that you keep a cool head during the exam, follow the given steps and write the exam well.

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