aceh independence is like a kite that is stuck in the top of the bamboo tree

the independence of aceh that the people of Aceh dreamed of is not a reality.
the liberation of aceh which is like a kite that is caught in the top of the bamboo tree can not be taken in the kite falling will fall down.

what should the people of Aceh do?

of course the people of Aceh have done many things from the resistance against the Indonesian government to the PB seat but did not produce effective results,

what is happening in aceh?


kemerdekaan aceh ibarat layang layang yang tersangkut di pucuk pohon bambu

kemerdekaan aceh yang diimpikan rakyat aceh tidak menjadi kenyataan.
kemerdekaan aceh yang di ibaratkan seperti layang layang yang tersangkut di pucuk pohon bambu diambil tidak bisa di tebang layangan akan koyak jatuh kebawah.

apa yang harus di lakukan rakyat aceh?

tentunya rakyat aceh sudah banyak melakukan hal dari perlawanan terhadap pemerintah indonesia hingga ke kursi PB namun tidak membuahkan hasil yang efektif,

mengapakan demikian terjadi di aceh?

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