'Barack Obama simply cannot become president! We will stop him!' Wrote FBI Peter Strozk, who Still works at the bureau. What would be the outcry then?

"A month long investigation showed no political bias played any role in this high profile criminal investigation." This was the summarized statement concerning the 500 page IG report by cable tv news.

Many parts complex, yet was summed up into that one little statement within just minutes of the release! You don't suppose that statement was already planned do you?

Almost verbatim what they said on the other mainstream media channels, according to Tucker, "They repeated it word for word, at the top of every hour all day long! Almost like a talking point!"

He continues, "Keep this in mind, if you're looking to find out what's going on in this country, always assume the opposite of whatever they're telling you on big news stations, and that's certainly the case here, they're lying!

In fact today's IG Report was a virtual catalog of political bias and abusive power.

It is true that investigators found no evidence at all that James Comey was trying to sabotage Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign, no surprise there as Comey is a partisan Democrat as he explained repeatedly on his book tour.

The bias, and there was a lot of it, was against Donald Trump and his campaign. And there's an enormous amount of that on display in this report."

" 'Trump is a loathsome human!' FBI lawyer Lisa Page wrote to her boyfriend, FBI official Peter Strozk.

'He is an idiot, awful and enormous deutsche, a disaster! He simply cannot be president.'

At another point they texted this,
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Tucker reminds us these are the people running investigations into Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in the middle of a presidential race. Why are they allowed to be so biased, then to have their messages "Missing, erased?"

Tucker states, "It's almost unbelievable! But you know what's even more unbelievable? Peter Strozk still Works at the FBI. A man who promised to stop a presidential candidate from getting elected is till collecting his salary at our most powerful law enforcement agency."

Fairly reminiscent of police state tactics isn't it?

"If you're looking for evidence of political bias, there you have it! And if you don't believe it, imagine this headline if you will, say ten years ago.

'Barack Obama simply cannot become president! We will stop him!' Wrote FBI Peter Strozk, who Still works at the bureau.

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Can you imagine? No, he would be fired immediately, first amendment be damned!

And by the way, Strozk and Page were not alone. They're not even the stand out cases in this document. The document quotes another FBI attorney wondering, 'what I could have done differently to stop Donald Trump's election as president.'

That same official later describes himself as part of the anti Trump resistance. For some reason, the DOJ is hiding that lawyer's name from the public."

You're not surprised are you? They have hidden, "lost, erased, beached" and basically stuttered their way out of any culpability while their fans, cohorts and counterparts all cheer them all in their unified hate of the person who has vowed to end their corruption!

Tucker tells us, "We do know he served on the Mueller team until February of this year. Of course he did, and there's a lot more in the report. Hundreds of pages of it.

Jim Comey used a personal email account to conduct government business. Just like the woman he was in the process of investigating for doing the same thing!
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Irony alert! Hillary's secret server by the way, it did indeed have classified information on it, and some of that information was obtained by a foreign intelligence service, at least one!"

Now you know if the tables had been reversed, a certain group would have recommended the flogging, impeachment and death of the culprit!

Tucker continues, "Remember we suggested that very thing, and they scoffed?

The report goes on to reveal that FBI agents routinely took bribes from journalists in return for leaking information.

People have gone to jail for things like that in Washington, but of course no one at FBI was seriously penalized for it.

Of course not! Aren't Page and Strozk still there collecting their pay check from this farce of a "justice agency?" Please, save it for your fans and cohorts in corruption that pretend your not biased criminals!

Remember when this news came out? Possibly not as MSM desperately tried to suppress it!

"Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016, about prepping Comey because "potus wants to know everything we're doing." According to a newly released Senate report, this text raises questions about Obama's personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation.

In texts previously revealed, Strzok and Page have shown their disdain for Republicans in general, as well as Trump, calling him a "f---ing idiot," among other insults."

Analysis from Washington Times on how this group conducted themselves and handled the blatant "missing" evidence!

"The FBI has lost about five months’ worth of text messages that were exchanged between two staff members who share a common denominator: They are tied to the Russia collusion investigation of President Donald Trump — and they’re rabidly anti-Trump.

Oh, and one more tie: They were having an affair.

Wait, wait, there’s one more: They were part and parcel of the Hillary Clinton email investigation that went nowhere.

This doesn’t look bad or biased at all, now does it? (Insert sarcasm here). How convenient, as they say."

Trump was not the only one on the receiving end of this hateful couple's exchange. How do these people get these positions in departments where there are supposed to be professional and fighting for justice? Makes me question what kind of justice? Apparently you have to know someone, in the right place for this kind of a position.

This reported by Newser,

"Trump wasn't the only target of the insults and snark lobbed between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who reportedly were having an affair during the period when the texts were exchanged, per Politico. Bernie Sanders was one notable who caught some flak. "I just saw my first Bernie Sanders bumper sticker. Made me want to key the car," Page wrote. Strzok replied: "He's an idiot like Trump. Figure they cancel each other out." Page also seemed worried in July 2016 that Bernie Sanders supporters, whom she called "sanderistas," would sabotage Hillary Clinton's chances.

Others who were verbally flayed in the texts:
Page on Mitch McConnell: He looks like "a turtle."
Strzok, apparently on Hillary Clinton: "I'm worried about what happens if HRC is elected." (No elaboration on why.)
Page on Jeff Sessions, after learning he'd become AG: "Good god."
Page on Ohio Gov. John Kasich: "long suspected of being gay."
Strzok on Chelsea Clinton: "Self-entitled."
Strzok on former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley: "a freakshow" and "a douche."
Strzok on Paul Ryan: "a jerky."
Strzok on Democratic National Convention speech by former AG Eric Holder: "Oh God, Holder! Turn it off turn if off!!!"

Here is a source on Scribd of all the text messages between Strozk and Page. These are just a few, you can find all of them in the sources for the Scribd link. Interesting read or skim!

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See the short Tucker Carlson clip here a little over 3 minutes.








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