Funding the Future: If I were a dolphin


Some time ago, I wrote a post [link] about my experience here on Steemit. How it has succeeded where I have failed in my endeavors to create a network where people that submitted content were rewarded, not just with social currency, but with actual currency. Now that I am a part of that network, and have a working solution at hand , I have been building several projects around Steem and its network. With the hope that when these projects are ready for adoption that those that contribute to MY projects will in turn be rewarded by the same network that has made such a difference in so many lives, and has the potential to change the way we see online media at large.

Where I stand


Last month I celebrated my 6 year anniversary of being unemployed, I've filled this time with learning new things, attempting to go back to school, and taking on contract jobs both coding and IT related. I have two beautiful children that are both gifted and preforming well above the grade level that they're age would represent. As of last month their mother and I decided that for their benefit we should take them out of school and give me the task of their education. I'm both thrilled and apprehensive of the change, I know that I can do right by them educationally, but financially I'm less sure. We were already in a tenuous state due to the increased living expenses and my lack of a job, and this will add to the burden. How do we pay for school supplies? How do we save for their future education? How do we not just make this something good, how do we make it amazing?

That's when it hit me, why not create a software that helps both teachers and students by creating a service and software that rewards their content creation like @utopian-io does for developers? So I now have a plan, I've got testers in the form of my children, a few consultants in the form of friends and family that are teachers or other educators, and a dead line: August 2018. So, without any delay, I began working on eduSteem


Of course that isn't the only project I'm working on that I intend to use steem as a part of the funding / reward system. I also have WayFinder which is also being developed, but it as my children come first this is now a "when I can".


If I were a dolphin (or woke up a dolphin)

My first goal would be to make sure my classroom is stocked: laptops, a new 3D printer for design classes, needed tools and equipment for the boys yearly projects, etc. Then I would use my SP and whatever other means to fund the continued education of my children and who ever else uses the eduSteem software. I would make sure that the writers that create stories for WayFinder were given proper funding to continue their work. I would spread my "wealth" to others and continue to hold on to whats needed to continue generating the Steem in a perpetual nature as long as the network can bare. I might also get a new pair of shoes... maybe a hat.

In response to @conradt's post in #steambasicincome
5 steem basic income shares giveaway what would you do if you were a dolphin

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