Who's In...?

Ideas pop in to my head often. Not just any idea, you know the "Eureka!!... This is a fantastic idea that will take the world by storm... " type of idea.

In my younger years I'd blame it on certain recreational activities, expanding my mind!

However, as I've gotten older and not so recreational these days, I still think through ideas and wonder if I'll ever meet the right people at the right time to put any of them in to action?!?

One example, when SMS messaging was a new thing (and I mean new, I'm old enough), I was day dreaming about how receiving one as you drifted by shops in the town (mall for our US friends)...Targeted advertising if you will, but circa before phones were smart! I never took the idea further than my idle thought, but I knew it would be the future of our daily lives. Now you can't escape your Internet history following you around as you slip from Fbook to Google etc...

My latest thought process sees me wondering if there is a mobile app to address discovering the wonders of the world's greatest cities and their history...bear with me a I try to wrangle this out of my head and on to the page....

Working in London, walking from meeting to meeting, I know there's oodles of historic buildings, stories, fact or fiction all around me... Surely there is an app with some augmented reality (at best) or just plain fact listing that can geo-locate me and direct me to areas of historic interest?!? Maybe it exists already, likely, maybe I'm sparking thoughts within actual clever people reading this who know how to bring this to life? But imagine a trip to NY, Moscow, Río, Istanbul, wherever and being able to soak up local history, bring up pictures, fables and facts through your device of choice explaining to you what happened where you are currently located 50-100-200 years ago or more! Working near the Old Bailey gave me the idea, wondering what that past of London looked like centuries ago. What tales there are too tell, many I am sure. But in our busy lives, I want a snap shot or synopsis as I go about my daily business that I can consume easily and satisfies my thirst for random knowledge of my surroundings.

I also see this could act as an app for the independent tradesmen, to increase their foot fall as intereped thrill seekers using the app journey around cities searching out the lesser known details of history, or even the most popular facts about the area - each to their own right!? But also guide them to the lesser known, hard to find and more likely better eateries, coffee shops etc. versus big.corp.com that litter the high streets.

Well, enough of a ramble for now. I hope some of this made sense. If there are some clever people who can help bring ideas to life for the use of the wider community, say hi and maybe we'll chat soon.

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