Paper: A Smart Media Token


One of the best ads I've seen in awhile. Reminded me of a thought I once had about.. paper. Old school papyrus. What if we can create perfect pieces of paper? Unlimited pages of anything in a single slab at near-zero cost, much like the smartphones we have today.

The reMarkable tablet here seems like it's the kind of consumer product that could be a full-fledged industry of its own if it becomes a tokenised movement, fuelling an ecosystem of Paper users, developers, entrepreneurs, and innovators. What if everybody from all walks of life starts sharing their work and thoughts on it, using the device like it's a natural interface? It's also likely to attract lively and dedicated contributors.

What can Steem do for Paper?

Sometimes I like to think of Steem as a protocol for incentivising the use of applications and interfaces. Free is really not good enough anymore. With that, Steem and a Smart Media Token could attract and sustain thriving communities for the Paper economy given the right designs. Make everything better, faster, and cheaper.

What can Paper tokens do?

  • Initialise a Paper community with distributed stakeholdership in the venture.
  • Medium of exchange (including network services and access to Paper devices).
  • Funnel and fuel community activities (using and improving the Paper ecosystem).
  • Subsidy (via built-in features and applications).
  • Generate network effects.
  • Host content.

Paper is just the beginning.

The Paper SMT could prove to be a pivotal project that provides a replicable framework for bootstrapping communities and economies out of any devices. Steem is a protocol that rewards virtually any kinds of contributions, but so far we're only seeing the tip of the iceberg of what that means through standard interfaces like Steemit. Now, imagine what'll happen if there's an ecosystem of Steem-powered devices and applications designed to empower the different ways we all express ourselves?

We're already seeing hints of such an ecosystem through projects like @dtube, @utopian-io, @sndbox, and @curie. These communities could in time, produce their own natural interfaces for the ecosystem. All we need now are weapons of mass collaboration to facilitate this movement.

For that, we have Paper: The Future of Smart Media.

Steem & Smart Media Tokens


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