Reform in scientific world

  "Scientific activity is an intellectual practice aimed at obtaining and applying new knowledge. This is necessary for solving technological, engineering, economic, social, humanitarian and other problems. In addition, this knowledge is needed for maintenance of functioning of a science, technics and manufacture as one whole system". 

 I refer to information from a reliable source. 

A scientific article is the result of some research. Why do those who are engaged in science publish their articles?  For the growth of professionalism, in order to improve qualifications, to consolidate authority in a scientific society.  

Information in the article may interest people who are aware of this sphere. Moreover, it can inspire colleagues for new works.  Another reason for writing scientific papers is the opportunity to earn money.  A published article on any research will give an advantage to receiving a grant and funding. It will be possible to judge the author's professionalism in it.  

You can receive a reward for the very publication of the article: in relevant scientific journals, on forums in the Internet.  Also, it increases the image of the author. Even libraries subscribe to articles in well-known journals. The more information is available, including the Internet, the more people can read it.  A new Orvium platform has been developed specifically for science.  


What opportunities does the site provide: get feedbacks from people who understand the same field as you, the necessary information for writing an article, gen on relevant journals, the possibility to learn about scientists and popular spheres in science.  

When you give an article for publication in prestigious scientific magazines, the order is observed. And when you use this platform, you do not have to wait. Thanks to the block chain technology, the article is available immediately, and the author himself can choose a license and establish the copyright for the possibility of using the article. 

For payment by calculation between users of the site, ORV tokens are issued.  

Still many, many routs of science are not investigated; therefore the scope for this activity is unlimited. The study of science is interesting and useful both for everyone and for society as well. Those who have devoted themselves to science will find what to tell in publications on this platform. This will help to contribute to the career, will enhance the image, as a researcher, and make it more competitive. 


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