4th Pillar Green Solutions


We have created a futuristic blockchain-based hub that will serve and change the HR and finance industries forever, and at the same time have a positive effect on the environment! According to the FAO’s State of the World’s Forests Report in 2011, the number of sawn logs removed and used for paper products was 853 million m3. The demand for wood and paper products is expected to increase as developing countries industrialize, which will only put more pressure on forest ecosystems. The 4th Pillar will strongly reduce the use of paper as it is based on blockchain transactions and digital communication. With this technology, we will revolutionize the HR industry not only by implementing a cost-effective digital system, but also by thinking green and reducing the carbon footprint in businesses around the world.

Let us look at an example. Meet George. He works in a company with 950 employees and receives his pay slips in a closed envelope every month in addition to other documentation. Times 950? That’s a lot of trees despite paper being the most recycled product in the world. Let’s be exact. The company with 950 employees uses more than 1,300 envelopes and 3,000 sheets of paper per month, just for transaction purposes. According to Paper Usage Calculator at https://www.treeproject.org.au/, that adds up to 120 trees per year and more than 9 tons of CO2 emissions. The 4th Pillar platform will change that. Using blockchain transactions and peer-to-peer transfers, companies won’t need to use paper anymore. George will receive his pay slips and work documentation digitally, which is not only cost-effective, but also great for the environment.


By moving documents delivery and exchange to DLT/Blockchain technology, we could drastically reduce trees cut and improve ecological carbon footprint, and what are we waiting for?

Jan Jordan Franges

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