What is Memority?
The first, Memority is a blockchain-based platform for encrypted decentralized cloud storage of valuable data. The system automatically keeps 10 file copies on independent storages all over the world at all times. Files are encrypted with a private key obtained only by their owner while account is created. Nobody can see the data without first decrypting it with this key.

So, what is the advantage of Memority over other platforms?
Please see the 14 key points below.

The storage system is a collection of independent repositories from around the world, including not only specialized hosting providers, but also computers of ordinary users.
The system stores several data copies (10 by default) on unrelated storages.
The mechanism of hosters motivation is aimed at connecting as many computers as possible to maximize the number of independent repositories.
Memority continuously checks and restores multiple copies of each file using a decentralized monitoring system to provide reliable protection from data loss.
Memority continuously checks and restores multiple copies of each file using a decentralized monitoring system to provide reliable protection from data loss.
The mechanism of Memority operation is based on payments for storage with its own cryptocurrency tokens MMR, the transaction history of which is kept by the participants of the blockchain system. The functioning of tokens system occurs ndependently of any centralized financial systems.
Memority’s mission is to create a self-sufficient ecosystem that includes many applications to meet the needs of business, government organizations and individuals in the ultra-secure storage of all kinds of valuable data. The Memority API allows third-party developers to create desktop and online applications for decentralized encrypted storage of various types of data without a lengthy investigation into the technical details of the blockchain technology. The creation of new products based on the platform is aimed at popularizing Memority, attracting even more users and hosters and expanding the platform community.
Developers of all applications receive rewards for storing each byte of data uploaded through their application. This will create a lively competitive environment for creating popular applications and provide developers with additional tools to promote their own products and, as a result, to further popularize the platform.
When you are uploading files to the repository, they are encrypted with a private key, which is stored only by the user. Access to the data is possible only with this private key as well...
Users can store their own data free of charge in exchange for storing the data of other system members on their computers. This possibility is directed, among other things, at expanding the network of hosters by including ordinary users into the network.
Data storage in the system is completely anonymous and requires only the private key from the data owner.
The processes for verifying the availability, authenticity and recovery of the file are completely independent from file owners. The data owner just uploads a file and, provided that he has the required number of MMR tokens on the account, enjoys the safe storage on the platform.
Data storage, processes of file copies checking and recovering, encryption and verification of data authenticity are completely decentralized, there is no dependence on any centralized systems. Memority is completely self-sufficient and independent even from its own creators.
Unique data hash identifiers are stored in blockchain database, the system regularly checks forgery and restores the required number of copies of the original data if the files have been forged.
The above is one of the fundamental reasons for seeing the remarkable points of Memority.

ICO company Memority .

To perform operations within the system, the MMR token generated on the Ethereum platform and corresponding to the ERC20 type is designed. The company issued 1 500 000 000 MMR.

Tokens are distributed according to the following plan:

53% - sale;
15% are members of the development team;
15% - investors of the project;
10% - reserve fund;
4% - pre-sale of tokens;
2% - bounty campaign;
1% - the first miners.

The main phase of the sale of tokens started on May 31, 2018 and will be completed on October 1, 2018. For investors bonuses are provided in the amount of 5 to 15% depending on the period of ICO.



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