Zero-Cash ICO: Beating The Conventional Wisdom One More Time

We already saw how Prosperism beats the conventional wisdom regarding charity:

"You Can't Give To Anyone Without Taking From Someone"

Now I want to show you how the Prosperist ICO can be funded without soliciting any fiat or crypto from anyone. Doesn't that sound far from the conventional wisdom?

The Zero-Cash Paradox

The very function of ICO (Initial Coin Offering) is to offer coins/tokens against some form of currency (fiat or crypto). Prosperism is creating another paradox by offering tokens (Xteem tokens) without having to pay anything, and still able to fund it's DEX (decentralized exchange powered with AlgoShare).

How's that possible?

While I will write more when I publish the Prosperist White Paper, but for now my short answer is: Same way as we have been helping the poor with food, clothing, medicines and money, without anyone actually paying for it. See these posts where we are just sharing our influence:


While I am still working on the Prosperist ICO White Paper, I am making this quick post as Steemians have been eager to support the initiative by sending SBD contributions directly to me, which I had asked them not to do in my last post.

Until the time Steemians fully understand how they can participate and invest in Prosperist ICO without spending anything from their pocket, those who want to invest can invest their influence only by posting following comment on this page:

"I pledge to share my SBD award with @prosperist DAO and become a stakeholder (Xteem tokens equivalent to SBDs shared) in its upcoming ICO for world's first Zero-Loss DEX powered by AlgoShare."

All the pledges will be upvoted by me and those who have enough Steem power and want to support the cause.

@ormus, @dexin @bitbulls & @rahemanali have volunteered to help in managing these initial commitments that you guys want to make.

Please do not hesitate to ask questions.

Cheers :)


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