♦️Cloud mining is no longer profitable

So here at Securix.io (https://securix.io/), we’re doing something about it. We have created a token-driven mining service that will be secured via smart contracts, ensuring longevity for the company and a monthly gross revenue share for investors.

♦️Cloud mining projects are plagued with issues:

🔹They can’t be sold.
🔹The contracts only exist for a limited time.
🔹There are long deployment periods.
🔹The contract HOLDER bears all risk.

♦️Our innovative SRXIO token will change all of this as:

🔸SRXIO tokens can be sold on exchanges.
🔸SRXIO tokens last forever.
🔸SRXIO tokens are effective immediately upon purchase.
🔸SRXIO tokens MITIGATE RISK for token holders.

🔹To find out more, visit us at Securix.io (https://securix.io/)

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