The Future of ICOs

It's becoming craziness in the ICO world. I receive soooo many people adding me on LinkedIN giving me 40-50% discounts on their tokens. We currently have over 4000 coins available in the market place and this count just keeps on growing!

On top of that, some of the top ICOs such as Bancor are not performing to what they've raised and Tezos is going to start defending themselves against litigation suits.

Oiii.. anyways, the future of ICOs are definitely government regulations & those projects which have proven concepts and even better already performing businesses are the ones which will succeed going forward.

The days of giving people funds for their dreams are over.

The question I always ask people when they pitch me their coins is; "what will your coin be used for in the crypto community?" <-- you'd be surprised at the answers you get from this question. Lol

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