European Crypto Bank - Let’s Build the Cryptobank of the Future


The European Crypto Bank (ECB) is the first ever bank and trading market on cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Dash, etc. on the blockchain. They have ensured secured trading platform, financial analysis on cryptocurrencies and tokens tax assistance within a new generation bank (Fintech).

What makes European Crypto Bank’s ICO different and outstanding?

They have a view to expanding into a pan European Wealth Management and Private Banking in a New Economy up to 8 Trillion Euros. The intentional market on cryptocurrencies amounts up to $ 550,000,000,000 and the market is in dire need of a proper trading facilitator. This is provided by the European Crypto Bank. This was established with the view that cryptocurrency holder needs tax support to avoid unnecessary encounters with National Fiscal Services.

Tokens with them, are labeled ‘S’ and ‘I’ and with these, Token Holders will be made aware of the value and quantity of their tokens, and these increase with the annual reward or buy back scheme. If they are retained, many benefits will be made available to the customers.

Tokens ‘I’ are only for the financial services and the investors are capable of buying back from ECB for 6% of its turnover each year minus rights on services. Owners of token ‘S’ will have 5% of additional tokens each year and this with the rights on their services on financial research, tax reporting, tax advice and tax litigations by smart contact on the blockchain. The tokens ‘S’ and ‘I’ have the flexibility to be transferred or can both be converted at any time.

Why an ICO?

The Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is for development of the European Crypto Bank. This is how ECB expects to allocate the fund which will be raised.

 20% - Development Trading exchange, API connectors, High level of security, Decentralized wallet, Cold storage.
 25% - PRM –Marketing, Sales, Campaigns, SEO, Events, Mailing, Traditional Medias.
 15% - Cryptocurrencies coverage. (Fund deposit)
 10% - A.I. AML, compliance, and KYC.
 10% - A.I. financial advisor and A.I. wealth management.
 10% - Support offices, back and middle offices, etc.
 5% - Multiplatform Integration.
 5% - Banking license, legal protection in UK, France, and Italy.

The Strength of European Crypto Bank

European Crypto Bank is the ultimate outcome of work and experimentation in the financial markets, analysis, and research. It is also a combination of three united companies – FORGUES GESTION France, FORGUES GESTION UK and WOOSPEAK and of 2 outstanding men, Oliver FORGUES and MIKEL MISARD, backed up by a team of financial, juridical, It and experts managers.

ECB emphasize that they are an existing business and a joint venture with Forgues Gestion SAS, France which was established in 2009, which ensures Finance, Asset and Wealth Management in France, Forgues Gestion UK Limited, established in 2014 in the same field and Woospeak which was started in 2007 in Language Training and Translation in European and Woospeak Italia in 2015.

Olivier Forgues, as a former employee of ECB, wishes to apply rules of diligence due, compliance and the applicable KYC in tune with the list of financial risks established by European banks.

Join the future with the crypto economy

With the expectation of expanding into a Pan European Wealth Management and private banking in a new economy, European Crypto Bank is expanding into 8 trillion Euros. The current $ 550,000,000,000 cryptocurrency world market will be moving forward to meet such goals and the European Crypto Bank is here to ensure just that.

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Author's Details:

Bountyhive Username: Rajivw

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