The McAfee Papacabeza Portfolio Experiment

All this hoo hah about John McAfee and the Blockchain. Is McAfee promoting coins and ICOs to secretly profit from them? Why does the Internet care, because hasn’t the Internet determined that McAfee was crazy after the Latin America sply plot? It's true that McAfee has done some crazy shit.

So now, McAfee is into crypto. As crazy as this guy may seem, he’s earned the benefit of doubt. I still don't really understand what's happening with Blockchain coin valuations, but I'm interested. If I could give McAfee $1,000 to invest on my behalf as an experiment, I’d do it. McAfee doesn’t have a fund, but if he continues to talk publicly about coins, then maybe we can set up a virtual fund with McAfee knighted as our virtual fund manager? Let's give it a whirl.

My experiment: $1,000 and one year to see if there’s a way to profit from all of this.

Plan: McAfee has been promoting a coin a day, then a coin a week, and now an ICO a week. I’ll set aside $1,000 to invest following his advice, assuming he sticks with some kind of discernible plan:

Screenshot 2017-12-31 at 11.41.16 AM.png

Investment: $1,000 USD
Date: Jan 1, 2018
Rules: Buy/sell ICOs weekly, trying to follow McAfee recommendations

Details: We’ll have to figure out more specific rules as we go, such as how much to buy each week, what limits to set. I’ll track it here and post changes every week. We don’t need to overthink it.

So, Cap’n McAfee, here’s $1,000 Fiat in my account, awaiting tomorrow’s instructions.

Screenshot 2017-12-31 at 11.32.15 AM.png

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