WeChain - The most trusted, decentralized social network on Blockchain !! P.2

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Wechain Network


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In-system tokens to be used by consumers

In addition to the benefits laid out in this paper, Wechain Network is introducing an innovative incentive program for consumers using tokens. These Social Activity Tokens are used throughout the system in order to facilitate transactions within the social network.

Put the power back into your hands

WCN are crafted in such a way that the entire process is secure yet transparent. This process leads to a greater sense of trust within the system.

WCN is a digital currency designed to be used within Wechain Network – a new, private, and secure social medirm that offers an integrated, decentralized market, com-plete with its own advertising platform.



Advertising costs

As we are about to enter the fourth decade of using computer networks, the ways in which advertisers reach their targeted audiences have not undergone much innovation.

Despite the poor results, many advertisers still use the old methods to advertise their products. Businesses still elect to waste funds that could be allocated towards more effective marketing.

The unfortunate truth is that many businesses are wasting precious funds to reach potential clients. The entire process undermines the experience between consum-ers and businesses.

We see consumers who are less likely to respond to the constant barrage of unwanted advertisement. Both parties gain nothing from the entire experience.

In direct response to this ever expanding problem, Wechain Network has set out to reduce the need for such intermediaries while increasing companies’ ability to directly reach their desired target audience.

Using Wechain Network’s innovative decentralized social network allows businesses to tar-get consumers directly, and both sides stand to gain. On the consumers’ side, we see an increase in privacy as their browsing habits are no longer sold to the high-est bidder. Companies benefit from knowing that their marketing campaigns reach their desired audience more effectively, cutting down on marketing costs.

Companies benefit from knowing that their marketing campaigns reach their desired audience more effectively, cutting down on marketing costs.


The Wechain Network social platform contains important e-commerce features. The market-place will allow users to create products which followers and friends can see and purchase using their WCN.

For example:
Say you want to sell your phone; all you need to do is take photos of the phone, and list it with a title, a description, and an asking price. Location is optional. You can control access to the ad by listing it as either public.

Any user who wants to buy your phone can click the purchase button. When a transaction occurs, WCN tokens are sent from that buyer’s wallet to your wallet – with no delays or complications.

AD Platfrom

Wechain Network has plans for creating a fully functional advertising portal. The advertising portal will allow users to create ad pieces that will be displayed in the Wechain Network news feed.

Advertising space will be paid for using WCN tokens. There will be per-click and perimpression options, with costs deducted automatically from the advertisers’ web wallets.


Wechain Network will safeguard user privacy and avoid the misuse of community data. When there is a need for additional development, everything will first be presented to the community.

Wechain Network’s goal is to be the social platform where data is owned by the users. The community drives the network .

Picture this: a decentralized social media platform that stores multimedia and other
data on a secured blockchain rather than on traditional servers.

User growth

Wechain Network Social’s plan is to allow our users to sell their data on their own terms, as much or as little as they wish. We intend to make use of this system in our growth strategy; we expect to be able to achieve rapid growth by incentivizing users to submit their data. We will work to spur further growth with a referral program to encourage existing users to invite their friends.

Instead of aggregating data unanimously and indiscriminately, the opt-in data sharing sys-tem will allow both users and advertisers a more accurate and pleasant means of communi-cating market demographics, product placement, the issuance of goods and services, and etc.

For example, a user wishes to opt in to monetize their data in order to identify better crypto deals – the users who are selling crypto would have to buy the informa-tion the first user provides if they want to sell to that user’s specific demographic.

Everyone who opts in to the system would then have incentive to share their data – be-cause they would not only be paid for their information – but will be offered (provided there is a supply in the market) whatever goods and services the advertisers are providing.

Pessimistic Outlook:

We get less than 20k users in a single quarter, totaling 80k more users by the end of 2018.

Average Outlook: We continue getting 40k users per quarter, totaling 160k users by the end of 2018.

Optimistic Outlook: We gain at least 100k users per quarter, totaling 400k users by the end of 2018.

Marketplace Anticipation

We have observed many of our users testing out the shops- creating, customizing, submitting, and deleting them. These are all positive signs of a future active marketplace.



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