WeChain - The most trusted, decentralized social network on Blockchain !! P.4

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Wechain Network


This article will focus on the general introduction of the project so you can understand what is Wechain! Let's goooo!



Consumers’ demand for better privacy and data protection has created a de-mand for a service that puts control, profit, and privacy back into the hands of the consumers. We are poised for yet another great disruption in marketing and advertising. The old and increasingly ineffective method of advertising will come to an end. The old way will be replaced by the next waves of innovation.

At the forefront of the wave, Wechain has positioned itself ready to disrupt the old process. We will create more transparent and open methods for conducting busi-ness in today’s global market. Wechain’s innovative technology creates a scalable, anonymous, and secure social network utilizing large amounts of data while still ensuring privacy.

Consumers’ Demand for Better Privacy and Data Pro-tection Has Created a Demand for a Service that Puts Con-trol, Profits, and Privacy Controls Back Into the Hands of Consumers.

This increase in demand for a more secure and private internet has fueled not only consumer reactions towards services that do not respect privacy but has also be-come the driving force for legislation and policy making across the world regard-ing consumer data.

The EU itself has passed a policy that aims to control the rampant misuse of consumer data, forcing companies to move forward with consumer data protection built into their business models.

Though the value of privacy is highly regarded, the actionable value of consumer data has not been ignored; it simply needs a better way of being transferred be-tween agreeing parties. This is where a block-chain distribution method comes directly into play as it allows for the transfer of this vital, and valuable, data while still protecting the users’ privacy.


The growing demand and emerging policies regarding consumer privacy have begun to push the need for a large scale transfer method that still respects the rights of consumers.

History Repeated: Markets that Actively Stifle Innovation are Subject to Major Disruption Through Advancements in Tech

There is no way to discount how closely linked marketing and business have been since people first began trading goods and services. And as advancements in technology have continued to push the effectiveness of marketing throughout the years, there has been a continuous process of innova-tion of new methods and the death of dated processes. Whether it was the advent of the Yellow Pages, the creation of large scale social networks on the internet, or today’s modern landing pages, the process of death and replacement has re-mained constant.

We sit poised on the cusp of yet another great disruption with-in marketing as the old and increasingly ineffective method of advertising comes to an end, about to be replaced by the next wave of innovation.

For as much innovation and progress as we have witnessed through the advent of social media and more effective search engine algorithms, the very core of the principles applied remain dated.

But as history has shown time and time again, that dated mod-el is about to be replaced by a more efficient and effective model, that model being the new and innovative block-chain distribution method.

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At the forefront of the wave, Wechain has positioned itself ready to disrupt the old process by introducing a new way to ensure mutually beneficial marketing to all parties located throughout the entire consumer-buyer chain. In the process, Wechain will create a more transparent and open method for conducting business in today’s global market.

Positioned at the precipice of this change, Wechain’s innovative tech creates a scalable, anonymous, and secure social network engine utilizing large amounts of gathered data while still ensuring privacy.

Utilizing a Decentralized Social Environment, Wechain is Able to Increase Total Value Spread Across the Entire Con-sumer-Seller Marketplace

No longer are there vanguards standing in the way of innovation, charging fees for access to data they misappropriate from consumers, a practice that not only is dat-ed but stifles the growth of smaller companies who are unable to afford the often unnecessarily high costs of reaching consumers.

Instead, Wechain creates a common environment in which businesses, both big and small, can directly reach their targeted access while ensuring funds are not wasted in the process. IN this common marketplace, the value of data is not determined simply by views or clicks as it is now, but instead by the actionable effect it has on conversions.

The value of the innovative environment does not simply only extend to busi-nesses; it also reaches consumers who are able to leverage the value of their data for lower prices and other monetary gains without having to sacrifice their right to privacy.



The budget outlined below presumes a scenario where our minimum cap of $ 5 mil-lion has been reached. Additional funds raised after the minimum cap will be used to add additional features to the application, API development, research, marketing and overall growth of the platform. Funds raised from the ICO will be distributed as follows:

Enginneering & Development:40%
Marketing & Sales:35%
Team & Operations:15%
Legal & Compliance:10%





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