ICO is not about money - at the beginning of the war for changing the political system of the world.

There is one important positive moment in the phenomenon of ICO, which neither the SEC nor professional investors take into account. To understand this wonderful moment, you need to know a little history of the Silicon Valley - what they were and what it BECAME.

  1. Silicon Valley began as a unique geek community, and the first exits were perceived as a miracle. Yesterday's engineers suddenly became fabulously rich, and, so much so, that in CLASSIC AMERIC it took two generations to reach the level of capitalization that HERE reached within several years. And the reason is one - the Internet, because the Internet speeds up communications thousands of times.
  2. The first venture investors were not professionals, they were still engineers who were engaged in the FAVORITE, but they were also very RICH.
  3. The first business angels helped more than invested. Their approach was more romantic than investment. They invested in technologies in which they were also disassembled into people who were well-known.
  4. All reciprocal attracts. Money was NEVER an end in itself for enthusiastic people, so they were able to make genius foods that people liked. Because the first users were those who were close, there were such as they and they themselves.
  5. The first angels paid attention to IDEA, to TECHNOLOGY, they had no problems with people, because it was a narrow circle.

Years passed and everything changed. To benefit people was a washed meme, to make a startup became fashionable, to take off a steep office in the skyscrapers of San Francisco instead of a garage became the rule, and to make a heaped headquarters instead of the best product ceased to be a bad form.

Professional investors came to the market, the former angels grew old, tired of messing with the yellow dresses, and took their money to the funds that young masters started to administer, who were well versed in sales and investments, but did not make a single start-up. And the former angels bought vineyards in the Napa Valley and sybarit.

Silicon Valley from the strange geek garden turned into a province of India with elements of Babylon. (By the way, before Dolyna Slin was called Silicon Valley, there were literally a lot of plum and orange groves, between which there were rare one-story, odd-looking, but very cozy offices, in which strange guys worked.

This means that in a sense, investment has become incredibly harder for many reasons, but the main thing is that the mentality of investors has changed.

This is not the geek, which actually gave birth to the Silicon Valley. These are very pragmatic people who invest in track and track records. Period. The paradox is that start-ups from something small have turned into a large industry with their own rules, centers, market makers who set these rules. There is much more money, but it's harder to get them. The rules have changed.

And probably these rules are designed to protect the interests of market makers and investors, because in the MODERN SILICON VALLE, the main money is not geeks, but partners with limited liability.

Silicon Valley from the center of innovations has turned into a completely ordinary slave market, only they sell not girls in harems of sultans, but brains of geeks in portfolio of funds. At the same time, not always geeks get the result, adequate to their efforts, especially if they fall into the paw of the fund's lawyer, sincerely believing that fund lawyers are making fair contracts.

So, as long as the main investors of the ICO are members of a variety of crypto communities, who, by their values ​​and behaviors, are close to giks who EVER created the Silicon Valley. And this is good. What professional venture investors call stupidity is a romantic view of things.

FURTHERMORE! If there were no people with such a view of things, there would be no modern venture investors with their snobbish views.

What does this mean? This means that the decisions of any regulators can stop ONLY professional investors, because they do not know how to think at first. They are sitting on LP money, and understand that somehow they were not justified, the losses will not be forgiven them and they will NOT collect the NEXT FUND. Therefore, investors are NOT ENTREPRENEURS, they will wait and do nothing.

But crypto community geeks did not care about regulators and investors. The idea of ​​collecting money from those who are ready to give them without restrictions and WITHOUT INDICATIVE elites is a revolution that can not be stopped.

Now in the crypto community there are several millions of smart and qualified people who WANT and CAN develop a topic with ICO and crypt. Therefore, I believe that in the near future we will see a lot of projects that will still provide an opportunity for the ICO.

Moreover, I am sure that in the near future we will have several representative resonant courts that will force lawmakers to urgently develop special legislation under the crypt if they do not want to get civil disobedience, because in SEC decisions obviously the ears of those who want to save Control and monopoly on emissions, money laundering, financing of drug trafficking, trade in arms, organs, trafficking in human beings, operations to withdraw money from countries such as Russia and China.

I think we at the beginning of the war for a change in the political system of the world are no less.

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