The Fintech platform for the entertainment industry

MovieCoin is a cutting-edge monetary innovation organization concentrated on utilizing blockchain innovation, exclusive applications and cryptographic tokens to end up the main amusement exchange stage for organizations and purchasers and the standard cash for subsidizing movies, TV and other media.
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The Company has activities traversing content back and generation, business and purchaser administrations and innovation advancement and authorizing. MovieCoin's substance fund and creation organizations offer automatic responsibility for diversion resources for money related financial specialists looking for standardized introduction to premium substance, while the mechanical advancement of its computerized resources stage uses cryptographic tokens to give organizations imaginative answers for streamline tasks and excitement devotees with one of a kind and all the more captivating approaches to take an interest in the motion picture involvement.

The Company has workplaces in Vancouver, British Columbia and Los Angeles, California
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MovieCoin Entertainment fills in as a generation administrator and financing director on movieCoin Capital. MovieCoin Entertainment is staffed with prepared Hollywood media officials
MovieCoin Capital has been shaped as a sorting out element to encourage all film and television content speculation through discrete financing vehicles overseen by MovieCoin Capital.

The Company means to execute automatic financing of numerous film and TV ventures.
Film and TV content is to be created, financed and overseen all through its lifecycle the issuance of cryptographic tokens.

Financing of substance acquisitions is to be
finished through a blend of co-financing with outsiders, private securities transactions organized as security token deals and additionally credit offices to be set up with banks or other
institutional moneylenders.

MovieCoin Services has been shaped to coordinate the advantages related with the MovieCoin stage and Moviecoin Tokens to dynamic members in the excitement business and customers who try to draw in and take an interest in excitement in new routes offered through the Company's stage abilities.

Financing of the work out of the administration's stage is to be executed through the issuance of Moviecoin Tokens that business customers can use to get to exchange
MovieCoin Technologies will hold the majority of the Company's innovation resources, including licensed protected innovation or innovation created by or for the Company itself.

MovieCoin advancements additionally exist to deal with all innovation applications, utilization of authorized innovation from associates or outsiders and improvement of tech-based licensed innovation for use in satisfying its innovation prerequisites,
the Company has lined up with BANKEX through a thorough permit understanding
and overhauling change plan, as per which BANKEX2 licenses its
innovation-based on Ethereum3
With a specific end goal to actuate the MovieCoin stage and execute on its working procedure, the organization's subsidiary, MovieCoin Technologies and BANKEX have gone into complete understandings to use the profound area ability of BANKEX's current Proof-of-Asset Proto-pol ("PoAP")4 and other usefulness. The legally binding connection amongst BANKEX and the movie coin
The Company's vital need is to keep on financing the advancement of a competitive blockchain innovation.

the Company plan to start the offer of another advanced token resource called "Moviecoin token," which can be utilized by customers, for example, movie creation organizations, to pay for the administrations through which they infer money related and legitimate efficiencies
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Because the major Hollywood studios mainly finance their productions through the treasury
functions of their respective media company parents and selectively “co-finance” with either international distributors or large financial investors most other investors have no opportunity to directly participate in the performance of studio-quality theatrical product that is broadly distributed for consumption among global movie-going audiences.

Currently, most outside investment flows into filmed entertainment are directed into inde-
pendently-developed and produced films, used as part of the production budget of a project, and giving the investor a claim against a portion of a film’s net distribution proceeds.

Lack of access to top-quality studio productions and uncertainty in financing closing for critical-
ly-acclaimed independent projects that appeal to narrower film audience demographics, has acted to limit outside investment in a potentially lucrative sector of film finance.

The Company believes that its structured content finance platform organized under Movie-coin Capital is capable of delivering (i) meaningful film diversification of 20 or more projects over the medium term, and (ii) maximum exploitation including US wide release to generate global exposure for the titles. MovieCoin Capital’s investment strategy supports this approach as it is instructured to exploit star-driven content in a programmatic fund with the objective of whole-own-
ership of a diverse portfolio of projects packaged by top agencies or production companies that can deliver medium term profit and sustainable long term value.

Through MovieCoin Capital, a new class of investors can benefit from an investment oppor-
tunity that leverages the MovieCoin platform, the Moviecoin Tokens, and the Company’s business model. The result is an opportunity to invest in a diversified portfolio of cash flows of widely-released theatrical product and the film catalogs, which are to be wholly-owned, which affords investors benefits associated with control of the content and the ability to exploit licenses with multiple buyers, domestically and internationally, across multiple cycles.

MovieCoin Capital’s strategy targets maximizing the long-term value of its library. Generally, ownership of a catalog of films can have attractive attributes as a non-correlated, diversifying investment in long-tail, cash flowing assets that are recession-resistant. For investors, the life of copyright ownership of filmed entertainment can broaden or complement main-run portfolios with investments outside of real estate infrastructure. Other comparable investment alternatives in music royalties, and some alternative insurance products have more well-developed open markets and access venues for investor participation.

Movie coin is handled by seasoned professional and advicers
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