
In this discussion we will review, nonprofit organizations or non-profit organizations in general understanding is an organization whose main goal is to support an issue or matter in attracting public attention for a non-commercial purpose, without any attention to things that are profit or profit. Nonprofit organizations include churches, public schools, public charities, public hospitals and clinics, political organizations, community assistance in legislation, volunteer service organizations, trade unions, professional associations, research institutes, museums and some government officer.

Waste management or waste disposal are all activities and actions needed to manage waste from the beginning to final disposal. This includes among others the collection, transportation, maintenance and disposal of waste together with monitoring and regulation. This also includes the legal and regulatory framework related to management waste which includes a guide on recycling.

Waste can take any form that is solid, liquid or gas and each has a different disposal and management method. Waste management usually deals with all types of waste whether it is made in industrial, biological, household and special cases in where it can pose a threat to human health. It is produced because of human activities such as when the plant extracts and processes raw materials. Waste management is intended to reduce the adverse effects of waste on health, the environment or aesthetics.

The Swachhcoin Foundation is a non-profit organization whose main goal is to work extensively to overhaul the waste management sector by acting as a complete technology developer and service provider in this domain. Schwachhcoin will make the existing waste management industry as efficient and precise as possible so that they become technologically capable and overcome a waste management crisis that is imminent in the world today. In addition to working with industry, Swachhcoin will develop an ecosystem where individuals at the mass level are made aware of the possibility of waste around them so that they understand their roles and responsibilities and act accordingly, the site official SWACHHCOIN https://swachhcoin.com/

In the development program, Swachhcoin aims to develop a revolutionary model platform to disrupt the waste management sector by using advanced technology, modern substitute data such as IoT, Adaptive Intelligence, Big Data and supported Blockchain technology for waste management companies where household waste contributors rewarded because the waste they produce is eventually converted into high-economic value products. Not only this, by adapting the Swachhcoin platform, waste management companies will drastically increase their profits while increasing and reducing their operational efficiency and capabilities. All this while creating a more clean and greener.

Throughout the world, humanity faces the problem that the amount of waste produced continues to increase over the years and this trend is expected to continue aggressively. According to some estimates, annual global landfill is expected to reach around 2.5 billion tons by 2030. Thus there is a great need to implement the most advanced cutting-edge technology so that we have the opportunity to overcome this enormous crisis.

The solution offered in this project is to get the best way to encourage people to properly manage their waste is to provide incentives to them for proper waste disposal and increase their awareness of this problem. This is the essence of the Swachhcoin offer solution. Swachhcoin will apply waste sorting to sources in SWBIN to eliminate this problem. Swachhcoin will eliminate this problem and take the company's technological capabilities to the level of art and modernity, thereby increasing their profits significantly. With the help of extensive research and development, a complete business plan, including break-even points will be provided by Swachhcoin for industries that adopt so that it violates barriers. technology adoption.

In the implementation of the workings of this project are as follows, the Swachhcoin Ecosystem will be the most sophisticated, broad and technically efficient waste management platform, which does not belong to other players, will use Adaptive Intelligence, Internet of things, Big Data and Blockchain technology together -similar, synchronous with each other, thus enabling the achievement of land to break efficiency in waste management. Not only this, this will provide incentives for every and all domestic households globally to contribute inputs in the processing industry.

Token Details
  • Token : SCX
  • PreICO Selling Price: 1 SCX = 0.04 75000
  • Price Tag: 1 SCX = 0.075 75000
  • System: Ethereum
  • Accepting: BTC, ETH, XPR, LTC
  • Soft Cap: 5,000,000 USD
  • Hard Cap : 18,000,000 USD

If you are interested in purchasing a Token, please visit https://swachhcoin.com/ and then fill in the purchase FORM that is available correctly.

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