
Type: Platform

📱 Dataeum is a new Ethereum-based data collection platform which is almost certain to polarize opinion. At its core is the idea of incentivising people to collect the untapped data in the world around them — a process achieved through a dedicated app on your smartphone.

On the one hand, the conspiratorially minded among us are bound to view Dataeum as the platform that ends it all. A platform that turns humans into walking data collectors? Isn’t this what the ancient religions all warned about?

đź–Ľ On the other hand, this could be a great opportunity for Chinese tourists to finally get rewarded for all the pointless photos they take of shop signs.

For those of us in between, Dataeum at least manages to cut out the middleman in terms of the data you already upload unknowingly.

Every photo you upload to social media is already picked apart and analyzed by data readers — Dataeum at least puts some of the control back in your hands by allowing you to profit from the interaction. Also, where all market players with their different solution of data collection can reach only 30% of all global physical data, Dataeum can reach 100%. So that creates a strong value for the service on a very demanding market.

🎮 A working MVP is already in place in the form of Forbidden City — an iPhone app which takes the form of a game, where players have to photograph points of interest around their city in order to subvert the plans of the authoritarian dictatorship which controls it. Gamifying your product is a unique idea, and one which could help with adoption in the long run.

The team is made up of experienced entrepreneurs, and they have been working on refining their data collection methods since 2014, where they successfully rolled out the technology on the streets of London, Paris and Barcelona.

The advisory board for the project is also encouraging, and includes VP of Ericsson, Anders Larsson and No.1 rated expert on ICO Bench — Simon Cocking.

🎯 XDT tokens are the rewards users gain for uploading data, and a hard cap of 35,000 ETH (around $17,000,000 at the time of writing) is a reasonable target to start with. 1 ETH is equal to 12,000 XDT, so that gives us a base token price of around $0.05 according to current market readings. The tokens are distributed straight after the ICO, so you don’t need to wait around to use them.

🔍 Clues for:

  • Team of established entrepreneurs with a disruptive idea.
  • Established MVP in the form of Forbidden City.
  • Strong advisory team who can add hype and expertise.
  • Could have a smooth adoption process due to sheer ubiquity of smartphone users and their photographs.

🔎 Clues against:

  • Team may have to ramp up marketing efforts — 3,000 Twitter and 5,000 Telegram followers is not bad for a company formed seven months ago, but not great either. The hype just isn’t there yet.
  • Could possibly run into some privacy/regulatory issues down the line, as not everyone is equally enthusiastic about the encroachment of cameras and data collection into our lives.

âť— The case has been solved!
Overall the project seems very solid, but the hype factor hasn’t really kicked in, at least not yet anyways. A notable mention from mainstream media outlet CNBC is a positive sign, but at the same time much of the publicity has stemmed from IrishTechNews and CryptoCoin.News — both publications edited by project advisor Simon Cocking. Dataeum is a disruptive idea, and one that’s set up for immediate, easy adoption. If it can deliver, it may not be long before that 5 cent XDT token becomes worth a lot more.

đź“Š RATING: 76/100

📆ICO starts: 19th August
đź’°Hard cap: 35,000 ETH ($17,938,900)
đź’ŻTotal tokens: 1,000,000,000 XDT
đź‘›Tokens to be sold: 500,000,000 XDT
đź“śWhitelist: Yes
đźš«Presale: 1st July - 5th August
🔝ICO bonus: (30% – 1st week) (25% – 2nd week) (20% – 3rd week) (15% – 4th week) (10% – 5th week)

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