How to participate in an ICO

Everybody can take part in a process of Initial Coin Offering, even if you never do this before. This is a short instruction about creating digital currency and be an active participant in the project of ICO.
The very first rule to participate in an ICO process is to be the owner of cryptocurrencies. The next step is to register an account on a digital currency exchange. The next position is to upload your native currency such as for example, USD, EUR, or Yen, in your account, and then to buy the necessary cryptocurrency, bitcoin or Ethereum. After the doing that, you can finally store your own digital currency in a web wallet or choose a hardware cryptocurrency wallet.

When you create an ICO, start to know and understand very careful the ICO agreement, which includes very important objects such as target price per coin, timeline, and other rules that run the transaction. Every each company recommends the specific wallets for the transaction, so you should continue to download the wallet. It is okay for ICO projects to provide to give wallet address on the ICO web page that people can send their funds to.

So, according to this article, you can see clear ow to participate in the project of ICO.

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