Investing with ICO: Who are the ethical hackers of White Hat Hackers and Why does Hacken create a crypto currency for them

 Good day!  =)   

Today I will talk about ethical hackers and a project that will help them to earn on their noble work.   

So, as you already understood, dear reader, from the title, I'll tell  you about ICO (crowdsdale, tokenail, TGE) of this project.   By  the way, if you are not sure that you understand what the ICO is, then  about it and the reasons for my participation in them, you can read the  article "Answers to questions. My thoughts about ICO." 

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Who are the "ethical hackers"?


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It was a dark room.  And only at the wall was a dim light.  Here at the table in front of the laptop monitor sat a man in a hood and glasses.  The man with glasses quickly fingered the keyboard and various combinations of numbers and letters appeared on the screen ...   

Many in the modern world will learn in the above-described person a hacker.   

A hacker  is a programmer, an IT specialist who creates programs, most often -  changes the program code of already created programs for a specific  purpose.   

More often than not, people think of hackers as hacking thieves who "hack" code, steal information, money, or do some kind of crime.  However, like everything else in this world - interference in the code of programs can have both an evil goal and a good one.  It's like, for example, a bearsweeper - a person who specializes in security burglaries, doors.  You can "open" the door with malice, but you can help open the door to a person who has forgotten the keys inside. 

Types of hackers 

 That's why hackers in the world are divided into three types:   

Black Hat Hackers  (from English - "hackers in black hats" or "black hackers") are those  IT specialists who are called cybercriminals, illegal intruders of  computer systems and programs.   

Gray Hat Hackers  (gray hackers or gray hackers) are semi-legal "crackers" who, when they  intervene in the code, do not violate laws or slightly violate the  laws, but they violate the rules of any Internet service.   

White Hat Hackers, or the so-called " ethical hackers  " are programmers who specialize in testing the security of computer  systems and programs, are looking for vulnerabilities in the code to  help developers make their product more secure.   Sometimes "ethical hackers" as well as "black hackers" hack computer  systems, but unlike "blacks" - not for profit or harm, but for the  purpose of correcting mistakes or helping the victims.    Typically, "ethical hackers" are IT security experts, IT researchers  and programmers who conduct code testing and audit, as well as fix  "bugs" (errors in the code) for a fee or on a voluntary basis.   

It was the "ethical hackers" of the White Hat Hackers who helped save the remaining funds this summer in the long-suffering online wallet for the Parity Wallet crypto currency.  So, in July 2017, unknown hackers ("black hackers") broke into the service of Parity Wallet.   Using the vulnerability, they withdrew from there three separate  transactions of 153,000 ETH (then it was about $ 32 million, and now -  more than $ 71 million).  Using the same vulnerability, "white hackers" protected the remaining funds in the purse, amounting to 377 000 ETH.  Thus, hackers from the group White Hat Hackers saved the users an impressive amount of $ 176 million.  Agree, such specialists should receive a fair reward for their work.   And this will help ...  


Our  main goal is to unite the best white hat hackers and CS professionals  of the world under the Hacken Ecosystem and build a bug bounty  marketplace based on blockchain with its own token, HKN. Buying HKNs  will allow one to receive high-quality cybersecurity services at an  attractive price.
— The Hacken Team

  In order to ensure that the "ethical hackers", about which I wrote  above, were able to securely receive a fair reward for correcting errors  in the code, a new Hacken crypto currency is created. 

Ecosystem Hacken 

 The Hacken ecosystem  is a community-supported trading platform in the field of cyber  security services around the world, using blocking technology with its  own crypto currency.    

Hacken will help clients organize the verification of sites,  applications, programs and block system systems, as well as solve the  found "bugs" (errors).   

According to the developers and according to the White paper of the project, Hacken Ecosystem consists of the HackenProof bug marketplace, HackenProof bug bounty marketplace, the Unreported Zero-Day Remuneration Platform, the Cyber Security CyberSecurity Startup Incubator ( Hacken Cybersecurity Startups Incubator ), Cyber Security Analytical Center and HackIT Conference.    

The Hacken ecosystem will enable customers to purchase high-quality  penetration testing and vulnerability assessment services for their  products.  The project team will use blocking and smart contracts to store data, perform object inspections for security.  This will help the special protocol HackenProof Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures.  

  The only payment tool that is acceptable for all operations in the  Hacken Ecosystem is the Hacken (HKN) token based on the ERC20 standard  on the Ethereum block system. 

HKN token 

 HKN tokens  will be needed to pay for their verification and protection services,  which will be provided by ethical hackers White Hat Hackers.  The main idea of

the Hacken team is that each owner of the HKN token becomes a member of the community.   And since HKN is a specialized token that is primarily targeted at  cybersecurity professionals, the token will unite these people, creating  incentives for doing business with each other and for investing in  cyber security startups.   In this way, tokens in the Hacken project will be able to bring  together representatives of the cybersecurity field for joint solutions.    And for an investor, the HKN token is interesting in the long term,  since the Hacken team applies the principle of "burning" HKN tokens in  order to manage their volatility and liquidity.   According to this approach, half of the commission from each transaction will be deactivated forever.  This provides additional value to holders of HKN tokens. 

Urgency of the project 

There are currently more than 348,000 open security positions, according to CyberSeek.  By 2022, there will be 1.8 million unfilled positions, according to the Center for Cyber Safety and Education .   As companies evolve toward digital business and bimodal setups, these  skills are becoming more difficult to find and more expensive to hire,  particularly in rural areas.  - 

Hacken plans to change this by creating a vulnerability search market and a startup startup in the field of cybersecurity.    At the moment, the project attracts funds - within the framework of the  crowdsdale there is a sale of Hacken (HKN) tokens - the project  currency. 

About ICO 

 Project Token: - HKN   

Token based on: Ethereum   

Total number of generated tokens: 20000000 Hackens   

Minimum Purchase: 1 ETH   

Price of the tokens: 1 HKN = 1 USD 

Dates of sales of tokens 

 Token Sale (ICO): runs now and ends on November 30, 2017 at 10:00 (UTC)   

ICO website: 

  Payment methods for tokens: BTC, ETH, USD, TaaS. 

Interesting about HackIT 

As mentioned above, a HackIT conference was created in the Hacken ecosystem.  This year HackIT Cup 2017  was held in Kharkov and in Kiev (the final part).  It was after this conference that I began to take an interest in the Hacken project and prepare this article.   The conference was unusual.  First, HackIT Cup 2017, held in Ukraine, was held directly on ... on board the world's largest aircraft!  

The Ukrainian An-225 "Mriya" was specially converted for this conference.   

Secondly, at the conference in Kiev attended the famous 17-year-old hacker Jack Cable, who to test the code not so long ago hacked the site of the US Air Force,  co-founder of Apple Steve Wozniak, the author of the legendary email  encryption application PGP Phil Zimmermann and dozens  of young hackers, all of whom belong to the big international league  White Hat Hackers:   

Impressive video from the HackIT Final Cup conference from the official Hacken_io channel:   

Steve Wozniak's speech about the AI from the HackIT Final Cup conference   

My opinion 

  With the growth in the number of software, applications, and  decentralized applications (dApps), as well as the growth  in the number of transactions for electronic payments and the number of  Internet items (Internet of Things, IoT), the risk of their deliberate  hacking and unintentional errors "bugs" in the code.    It is ethical hackers for worthy rewards that can be those specialists  who will be able to clean up the above-described problems.    I believe that with the help of the Hacken project in the event of its  successful implementation, hackers will provide high-quality  cybersecurity services at an attractive price.   In connection with the model of "burning" tokens, I consider it  promising to have the project tokens, because with each month there will  be less of them, which will lead to an increase in their prices.   Successful implementation of the project depends on the project team.   

The core of the team includes Dmitry Budorin (certified international  accountant and auditor, who worked in Deloitte for 8 years in various  accounting, auditing and project management positions), Nikita Knish  (general director of ProtectMaster  - Ukrainian cybersecurity company and co-founder of the HackIT  conference ), Yegor Aushev (PhD in high-energy physics at DESY, Hamburg,  CEO of Information Security Group - a company in the field of  cybersecurity that provides penetration testing services,   and Andrey Matyukhin (a cybersecurity specialist who has 13 years of  successful experience in various corporations, government agencies,  banks and the International Olympic Committee).   

Among the advisers (consultants) of the project, I would like to mention those I have known for a long time.  This is the famous cryptoinvestor, the creator of the first commercial anti-virus software - John McAfee.  I think, it is not necessary to tell about it.    

The second adviser to the project, to which I drew attention, is the  famous hacker from White Hat and the member of the Ambisafe team Alexei Matiasevich.  Let me remind you that Ambisafe company helps various projects to conduct their own token.  

Useful links of the Hacken project 

 Project website: 

Blog of the project: 



 Project branch on  

Good luck, @hacken

 I hope it was useful and interesting!   And if so - Vote and sign!   Good day!   Successful investment and the blessing of God!  

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