Clif High Gives AdEx ICO Thumbs UP On Twitter

For those of you that follow Clif High’s work @ he just tweeted favourably of an ICO that just launched today: AdEx - Decentralized Advertising Exchange
I glanced at the whitepaper and basically they are bringing the blockchain to advertising. Attempting to address issues for both advertisers and consumers like:

Customer Consent
Data Misuse
Bidding Transparency
Misleading Reporting
Ad Fraud
Ad blocks / blindness

All very interesting if you are in advertising but we are here to make money!

“An excellent short term pop”

means one could easily make a profit on this token shortly after it goes live.

Token Sale Terms

Token sale starts at Jun 30th at 11:00 UTC
Token sale closes at Jul 30th at 11:00 UTC
Hard cap is set to 40,000ETH
First day price: 1ETH = 1170ADX (+30% bonus)
First week price: 1ETH = 1035ADX (+15% bonus)
Regular price: 1ETH = 900ADX

Only 100,000,000 will be created just like Veritaseum. Also the tokens go LIVE as soon as the ICO is over OR it sells out.

I am positive this will be trading on EtherDelta and other exchanges within hours of it going live.
Check the official site out here for more info:


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